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Everything posted by rocky1

  1. nonstop rain since sunday night and still pissingdown now ,was blowing a gale died of now ,rivers burst flood warnings mayor roads closes ,schools flooded ,houses flooded ,moterways closed ,so yea its happening here in the northeast of england
  3. how many cans of orangieboom you had today
  4. rocky1


    i got a beardied dragon for my oldest son birthday last year it was either that or tranuala and yes agree the novelty does were off but it the things you do and but up with for your kids
  5. not long been in from boxing with my boys ,just open a nice cold can of strongbow only havin a few as i,ve got graft tomoz
  6. let me what you lads/lasses decide i,ll donate or enter
  7. rocky1


    rip craigy boy .thoughts go out 2 he famly
  8. Do you go lure racing in Shildon? Where do you do it and on what day? (I live in Shildon) no [bANNED TEXT] we tend just 2 meet up with a few like minded ppl for a bit fun ,if their enough ppl willing 2 run their dogs we,d have a dodge
  9. Thanks mate, its been an interesting year like. Am still pretty crap on my feet hence what duggys saying. My calves are still f****d but thighs less bad, I am good for about half an hour of walking round those type of hills then it all starts to go wrong lol and i end up on my arse on and off for the rest of the night! getting over stuff is also pretty sporty and often end up with cramp in both legs lol. Still worth it to put stuff infront of the dogs though, will sort something out soon mate ok dom look forward 2 it
  10. as i know a little bit more about your situation dom i,m in good spirts that your out about doing what you love doing and look forward 2 see how your big dog has getting on since the the last time i seen it and also your young dog, we,ll have 2 get out soon pal ...........atb gaz and welldone
  11. me and a few lads normally have a mess about with lure on the odd weekend ,giz a pm see if we can get a ffew lads together in your area
  12. ovsilly this was a accidentel mating ,but if your brother willing 2 take the chance go for it
  13. i would,nt do anymore then that till he a bit older with him still growing ,but their no better way 2 get them ready for the season
  14. only ever studded out 3 times ,the first was free 2 my pal who later went 2 prison and their lass got rid of the dog ,2nd time was for pup 2 gift 2 a good friend and he still has the dog and i,ve not long done the same 2 gift a pup out 2 one of lads ,no money was ever exchanged it was all done in good faith that the dog will be worked and well look after thats all i ask ,personaly i thiink thats the way it should be
  15. Was duke at Wolsingham show ? Defo looked like him ?? yea my pal took him as i was on holiday
  16. my pal got him down boro ,got smashed by 2 other dogs knocked he plug right in would,nt do the job i wanted of him ,so he just a rabbit dog now ,shame realy as he was doing a good job untill that happened ,i give him plenty of chance week after week for about 3 month
  17. aswell di canio goal i also think is 1 of the best you,ll see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo3VjGsBHzg
  18. hope you get the right dog pal
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