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Everything posted by doxhope

  1. I'd agree that Canon L lenses are superb - after trying the odd sigma etc out I've decided that even the more expensive models just don't compare with Canons. Canon has often been the preferred DSLR for professionals, probably due to the excellent autofocus sytem and the low noise levels. I'm impressed by the Nikon D700, but I've no plans to switch brands just yet Totally agree about the Sigma lenses, a lot of right ups say they are soft at the top end, Ive found all the ones Ive tried were soft right through when compared with Nikon glass..but on saying that, most of the people at m
  2. Good choice matie..pixel numbers arent everything..I went to a talk in on Thursday by a very high ranking photographer in the North east of England, he showed us pictures that were taken by his 1mega pixel camera years ago, they were some of the sharpest pictures Ive ever seen..Pixel size comes into it, the bigger the pixel the more light it abosrbs, so better picture with less noise..thats why you can get camera phones now up to 8mega pixels, but the pictures from them will never match those produced by an 8mega pixel dslr..the sensor they use is much smaller. The same bloke showed us photog
  3. Ive had a dog that had a toe off when she was 8 years old, took it 8 weeks to heal, and I saw no differnce what so ever in her running or killing..a toe off is no big deal, a jumped to that wont heal is
  4. Kay, the quicker you get a DSLR the better, your photography has improved greatly over a short period of time, its time to move up hon..
  5. Took this one lying on the grass, only thing is I could hardly bloody get up again..god damm Im getting old
  6. Heres the original Kay, what do you think
  7. Yes Kay it was lovely here too, took loads this morning, but decided to do this one into black and white..
  8. Basically yes Kay, but when we are ringing them there is another sure fire way..even works with immature birds
  9. Males are bigger Kay, a bit like brains in humans the one on the picture is a male
  10. Hope you kan spell better than the rest of the thick jordys on hear
  11. Sorry, not a hunting post..just a few shots from this morning..
  12. No, havent for 2 seasons I havent for 3 seasons.. must be an anti like me then Bill OOH, anti through and through me Kay..keep the pictures coming hon
  13. No, havent for 2 seasons I havent for 3 seasons..
  14. Good pictures matie, well done, the weather lately hasnt been too good for taking pictures, so you have done well
  15. Like Martin says Kay, you are deffinately getting good at your photogrpahy..great stuff, and the deer pics are mint..
  16. try a drug called TYLAN, it treats the gaping in bullfinches great...or see one of your local pigeon lads..they get some great stuff
  17. All the best rabbiters Ive had, or seen, were lurcher x lurcher..
  18. Cheers for the comments... The lense is a Nikon VR -400mm
  19. The best rabbit I ever ate was a milky doe with mixy, mmmmmmmmmmmmm..yummy
  20. Ive been to a few of these days, and I am going to this one, they are great days to get some good shots of raptors in good settings, flying positions are set up for the photgraphers to get the best out of their shots.. Have a look at the website.. http://www.nothumberland-falconry.com/section107271.html
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