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Everything posted by doxhope

  1. Thats their main habitat Kay, but Ive seen them up our river in the summer on the tidal stretch, they nest near where I live, which is great for me..they dive like gannets for sand eel and the likes..
  2. KAY, how many times have I told you??? your photography is now at a level which deserves the scope in a camera that only a DSLR can give you You are see-ing and taking great pictures that most of us would not see, or take..Getting that camera now would only mean that you would be without a DSLR for that much longer, which, would be a great pity for you as a photographer, and us see-ing your work..IMO
  3. Its a tern, diving for live bait Kay The last one is me mate and his lass,
  4. Go a mixture down by the seaside today.. Some interesting birds knocking about Nearly in 1 Nearly in 2 and nearly in..
  5. "The only guarentees in dog breeding are disappointments"
  6. Plummer said, "factory workers always write like factory workers" you must work in a factory matie
  7. he is but he was probabbly laughing at fergies sour puss Yes he certainly suits a miserable face dosnt he..
  8. Yeah matie, that was some game ehh?
  9. You know what it is..Platini is a misirable c**t, but Ive never seen him laughing as much as he was the other night..
  10. Ive been off work because of it.. My sides are fecking sore with laughing..thats what you get for all the extra time you shouldnt have had, all the rules of football youve tried to change, and all the fecking refs that are so frightened they give you everything....HA, HA, HA, HO, HO, HO HO
  11. Thinks a raw nerve has been hit, sore looser,
  12. Over the bloody moon.. Yes Mersyside was watching, so was the rest of the country, what a load of sh*t Thats the scums last chance for the next 5 years or so, get by, here come the proper reds..Weve won it five times, weve won it five times, weve won it five times, weve won it five times, weve won it five times
  13. Morpeth hunt supporters club, lurchers and terriers..July 5th
  14. Its good, but dont over do it..Much prefer SA37
  15. They are something else arnt they Kay
  16. There are a lot of godd, ney great pictures knocking anout of Kingfishers..but please take time to have a look at these, by one of the best kingfisher men in the country.. http://www.charliehamiltonjames.com/artist...p;AKey=RSHKR8D4
  17. I like to combine jumping training with retrieving training
  18. Anyone know any of these boy..
  19. Well caught matie, Ive a tawny nearby, have taken over 100 pics of it in the last few weeks..lovely birds
  20. was gonna say the same very interesting book and some good training tips Yip, me to
  21. Cheers Dawnb, light is a point of any Nikon that I, nor anyone I know of has ever struggled with, noise maybe in early Nikons, but definately not now...but I was lucky enough to do a course with a bloke who is a Nikon man..he still uses the D200 now, and he showed me how to tweak the settings to make the most of this camera..
  22. This one was taken with my sons camera, Nikon D200..
  23. Good picture, they are a lovely egg arnt they? Found this nest last year
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