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Everything posted by doxhope

  1. I saw the raven in the Hexham Courant, if it is a true ino, it will have red eyes, and it will not revert back to a normal coloured bird. I saw a cinnamon hooded crow a few years ago, these too have red eyes. The sparrow is not an albino, or has any albino blood in it, it is a "sport", there are a lot of these around now, also blackbirds and jackdaws with the same colouration. If I had bred this from a pair of aviary bred sparrows, I would put it straight back to one of its parents. Good photo borderer, did well to get it, my turn to say good article in the CW this week, keep it up
  2. Kane is the best bloke to answer this one
  3. Welcome iker, and thank you for a loan of RAFA, COME ON YOU REDS
  4. Ive had 3 subarus over the years, all Legacys. First one was a 1600, which they dont make anymore, others were 1800`s, any bigger than this and they are juice guzzlers. Amazing cars, engine hard as f***, got them into place that you wouldnt beleive possible, but watch out for the ground clearance, thats the only thing that lets them down off road. Pity about petrol though, a diesel engine would be great... Comfortable too, but not as comfortable as the beema I have now But cant get the dogs in the beema
  5. Leek eating, hymn singers, Hi welcome to the site from Geordie land
  6. Yip Its right, hung another one last week, its becoming a regular occurance doon there...
  7. Could be right there, but as Mark Twain quoted, "Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed"
  8. Its amazing isnt it snatchy, but no one ever thinks of the expenditure, when I was breeding a lot, some folk had it worked out how much I was going to make, even told me, I couldnt beleive it. What they didnt add to their workings out, was the likes of what you have put down here, plus, in certain cases I was going to some of the best dogs in the country, and stud fees were anything up to £500. If the bitch didnt take, it was another stud fee later on, as when you use a stud dog you are not paying for puppies, you are paying for the services of the dog. Then with pure bred there are regist
  9. Welcome Erik, I have friends over your way, they breed European finches, Regards, :friends:
  10. Welcome Chris, I still get nervous on here, there are some rough`ns, watch out for bappit
  11. Sorry ratter, a little earlier, 1942 at Bedlington in Northumberland where I live. The building at the back is the Bedlington cricket club, it is still there, many lurcher and terrier shows have been staged and are staged there. But I will re-check with the owner of the pic, and let you know, All the best,
  12. Hi ratter, are you on this photo
  13. welcome to the site skippy,
  14. doxhope


    Hi greyhoundlass, what weight do you box at You have nearly as many interests as me, welcome to the site....
  15. Hi old sick man, welcome from an even sicker older man.
  16. doxhope


    Hi Annie, looking good, those yellow eyes really suit you, need any good spells? :friends:
  17. Did you stitch it yourself saluke???
  18. Hi foxhunter, even if you shot it, its a vermin species, I have rung for the BTO, if you sent the ring details in, you can do this online, you will get a complete breakdown of the history of the bird, where the nest was, age, name of the ringer etc, all interesting stuff. When you send it in, it usually takes a while for the info to come through, but it will......
  19. Hey longdogrunner, great to meet you, lovely looking dog you have there, hope you enjoyed your visit, my photos and records book, Catch you again later... :friends:
  20. Hey Harry, woz only joking :friends:
  21. Hi Potter, welcome to the site, No swearing on here mind, there is a fine for anyone who does, payable to me, I except all credit cards or paypal, please e mail me with your credit card details,
  22. Blimey Mik, Thats so unusual Bill
  23. HI KYE, Will find out exactly where he live, and hunts, I know they travel hellish distances just to show, I know he also hunts wild pig and bear, but not with first crossers or deerhounds. Have a look at his site, contact him, he will be able to give you much more information than me I can. Dont know how mine would fair, Im not one for taking things for granted, its easy to say they would do the business sitting here in the UK, but, they might just as easy not go in at all. Mine do foxes easily, but I am not so much a fox hunter. Big scores of rabbits on the lamp thats my kink, some
  24. doxhope


    Hi mistwalker, great pics, is that Ayre dog track in the back ground, a while since I was there, but sure does look like it Bill
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