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Everything posted by doxhope

  1. I know swans are just white birds, but they are difficult to get really good shots of, youve done well there Kay..Its so easy to blow the white out so it lacks detail I had to wait all night for this one Kay ha, ha
  2. Im in Northumberland matie.. I have friends who may have birds to go out..The site mentioned before, the BBBI has loads of lads from all over the country, there is always lads on there with birds to go out.. Yes them birds would do for starters..
  3. Yip I got some chicks off that pair, but the bitch started eating her eggs beofe I lost her later that year.. The goldie bred mules for me every year for 4 years, and some goldie x greenies..he would mate with your finger if you left it in the cage long enough.. If I was starting I would stick mainly to finch males and canary hens..unless it was bullie mules..But like I said before, greenie mules I always use the female greenie, they are so easy to breed with canary males its unbelievable..the best linnet mule I ever bred I used a female linnet and a crossbred Norwich x redfactor cock. This
  4. Can anybody remember the footballer Ray Hankin? I was training a group of people the other week on health and safety..and one of the people on my course was Ray, what a handful he was from what I remember of him, but a great bloke in the class.. Definately one to have on your side
  5. Male goldies will mate with anything..
  6. Good chalk..great to see its not all part timers and one for the pot ment on here well done Always like the number 57, this bitch caught these 57 in one night
  7. If you are just starting, I wouldnt try and breed goldie mules this way, stick to a goldie male and canary hen..Ive bred bullie mules, linnet mules and grennie mules using the hen finch, in fact, I would only breed greenie mule using this mating..but goldies There are quite a few lads on here that breed British and hybrids..you should get all you want to know matie
  8. Over the fecking moon..hope the red scum get beat every game..bye Ferguson suits a misrible face dosnt he, ha, ha, ha, ha...
  9. Yip lovely little birds..so tame and trusting..I remember one hen siskin I had that would feed her chicks at the same time that I was squeezing mealworms into her chicks open mouths..another hen siskin I had got out of her flight and got caught in a mouse trap, she survived, and I bred 9 chicks off her the next season.. Lovely memory provoking picture there JD..
  10. Not a book lover, but always liked this book
  11. India...."You are mistaken, Mr. Darcy, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration affected me in any other way, than as it spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentleman-like manner" Sorry, the Jane Austen coming out in me, Nope, no India, no money no nothing..
  12. If my dergs turned anything like that Baldie I wouldnt be taking photos..cheers for the comments lads..
  13. pics from my hols.. and some of these little fellas
  14. exellent post ,and has cleared a few points up for me many thanks /
  15. a chap who i no line breeds he has dun 4 years i was at the welsh game fair and a terrir man who ni wont mentoin was saying afta a few litters ov lin breeding geneticaly there not related im bafld Strange..looks like the laws of genetics might have to be re-written then Hey matie thats a cracking avatar picture though..
  16. Everyone from Bedlington travels to get the best sport, but there is some decent pockets within walking distance..
  17. Makes no difference, if you were wearing a coloured condom would it make any difference??
  18. Sounds as if it could be a great day out..I look forward to seeing some of the people off here there..
  19. Lovely Mooshka..............your dog is a great length, cracker.........

  20. Thanks for the comments maties
  21. I love broken hair on a lurcgher, but, all my best ones have been smooth coated
  22. Not the fasted bird to capture, but they do look good
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