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Everything posted by doxhope

  1. Just a thread about some deerhound bitch puppies available in Scotland..Fife area if anyone is interested please pm me for details, these are not from my stuff, but are well bred. This is the dam
  2. When we have been asked a question, then we are allowed to judge, the question was what do ye think of the pups, I think they are a disgrace
  3. Like Endgame Im a great lover of breeding my own and see-ing them develope,,plus, you know so much more about your own stuff and what they can and connot do. All the pups I have bred, kept and worked I have set a target for them of getting 100 rabbits before they wee a year old, where practicable (when they were born can affect this) and before a year, most of my dogs would be getting into the 20`s as their highest number. Had one whos top chalk was 15, but she went on to take some great hauls later..Where you live will have a big bearing on what size bags you can take, I am and have always
  4. Theres a big difference between a runt (small because of some kind of problem) and the smallest pup of the litter....Ive picked the smallest pup before out of a few litters, most turned out cracking dogs, and the best all round lurcher Ive seen on was picked this way, in fact at birth she was thrown to one side as "one for the sweeps"
  5. I am spending £40 a week at the minute, and thats mostly on work..and thats been the cost for months
  6. Get someone to show you how to knit square mesh jounging, traditional gate nets were always made this way..nice net though
  7. Most weve had walking distance is 27, have to travel a bit further for our big bags
  8. Or maybe they dont eat for a week or two
  9. Ive always ran bitches, and have never stopped any of them when in season..they absoulely fly just before coming into season, and have never seen any poorer performances when in their heat
  10. Every pup Ive bred that had blue eyes, their eye colour changed as they got older Lovely pups Keeps
  11. Very well said, I stopped putting similar post up along time ago, becuase of all the shit that came back..what do you do with the rabbits? do you really want a dog that can take that many?..derrrrr Im a numbers man, a profit hunter, always have been..its as if the one for the pot brigade think that lads who get occaisional big scores get nothing from it..Ive done it, Ive had 161 in one night with 2 dogs, oh and a couple of hares on the same night. Ive lamped and taken over a hundred before with 2 dogs, waited for breaking light and had a couple of hare courses too before the farmers got up..
  12. But what would you do with all those rabbits?
  13. Taking a mother/daughter combination out hunting is a fantastic thing, Ive experienced it many times over the years, and also worked a grandmother grandaughter combination too. Good night out, keep it up
  14. Some good tips on here, I also combine jumping with retrieving, dummies, rabbit pelts...Cans of beer!!!!!
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