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Everything posted by martyn2233

  1. Buy this instead https://www.alpkit.com/products/brukit
  2. Price drop £350 posted bank transfer or Paypal plus fee's
  3. that price included shipping?yes mate
  4. I had an F5 box to start with but upgraded so I could watch and record another channel at the same time, good bog standard boxes fair play. The free gifts are tidy if you can find the right one but some only work for a few months I found. i had the gift run out before its time but £££££ to sky or just a little ££ for the same repeats still saving mateBang on feck paying them rip offs, I've got a great line that hasn't given me no problems for over a year now, well worth £60 for 12 months.Are you getting this signal though your dish or internet cause my internet is pish up here!!!free view fro
  5. I had an F5 box to start with but upgraded so I could watch and record another channel at the same time, good bog standard boxes fair play.? The free gifts are tidy if you can find the right one but some only work for a few months I found. i had the gift run out before its time but £££££ to sky or just a little ££ for the same repeats still saving mateBang on feck paying them rip offs, I've got a great line that hasn't given me no problems for over a year now, well worth £60 for 12 months.?Are you getting this signal though your dish or internet cause my internet is pish up here!!!free view f
  6. - [ ] Rover 25 Impression 1.4 16v 5-door hatchback in metallic British Racing Green - with MoT to May 2016, only 41,168 miles, with part service history and only 3 owners from new. - [ ] It is comfortable, easy to drive and park, with good visibility, excellent fuel economy and low cost for insurance. - [ ] Here is a summary of the key details of my Rover 25 Impression 1.4 16v:- - [ ] MoT to 25 May 2016 - with no advisories. - [ ] Fully HPi clear. - [ ] First registered on 19 July 2002 - [ ] Only 41,168 miles from new. - [ ] 5-speed manual transmission - with a light clutch and smooth g
  7. here i have my snipercam hd in good working order and has 2 collars to fit a simmons whitetail classic scope. £400 posted payment can be made by paypal if you pay the fees, these are good to use only selling to rise funds for an archer
  8. I had an F5 box to start with but upgraded so I could watch and record another channel at the same time, good bog standard boxes fair play.? The free gifts are tidy if you can find the right one but some only work for a few months I found. i had the gift run out before its time but £££££ to sky or just a little ££ for the same repeats still saving mate
  9. wifi yes my dad has slow internet less then 2mb and his work great no buffing have a look on YouTube at the box working then save ya money
  10. If you lot get the above and need help setting it up pm me I'll help the best I know
  11. You need this http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/161795238596 And this free gift for sky to work http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/12-Month-Full-Gift-V5s-V8s-F3-F5-F5s-Skybox-Openbox-IBOX-Zgemma-Warranty-Gift-/181876685994?nav=SEARCH And yes it works iv been using sky this way for about 2years enjoy
  12. im in the same job good luck for next season
  13. see they never wanted me to do them in the beginning incase I did leave. With in a couple of years. Only I push for the courses because I was waiting one other people to program the machine for me and It was taking longer and i was getting Notting for it so I pushed for them it was 1500 pound sterling a course. Witch they paid for in full I think that's why they think they can hold on to the cnc ones. Thank all. Bobno one has the right to keep your tickets there yours end of ring the course provider and request new one to be sent over to you
  14. Has anyone got a picture of the poles nelson sells
  15. Would this do in 8mm http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/111602653455
  16. Get one of these http://www.henrykrank.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_44_47&products_id=2964 And some of these http://www.henrykrank.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=57_58&products_id=1303
  17. From here help the site your using. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/store/product/21-ferret-finder-mk3-m/PLUS CHEAPER
  18. Details Release Date: 25 November 2015 Language English Country of Origin USA
  19. eBay lads and buy a skybox f5s which is a free view box but let's you watch Sky TV only about £ for the year and £18 a year after that
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