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Everything posted by martyn2233

  1. Yep all tame don't bite till you piss them off ?
  2. cheers i don't have time really for them looking good year on marquee's thank fook
  3. Will add cage if all 4 go together cage like this
  4. Collection from Goole East Yorkshire Dn146hw
  5. I have the following I would like to rehome plz 1 polecat gill last years young 2 gills about 3/4 years old been neutered 1 hob still full All live and work happily together
  6. Here I have ferret/ rabbit cage £25 collected from Goole Dn146hw
  7. martyn2233


    Work shop alarm http://www.henrykrank.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_44_47&products_id=2964
  8. You will not save a great deal just ring http://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk or https://www.sportsmanguncentre.co.uk As they are dealers for them I was quoted £158 delivered
  9. Here I have a ferret finder with carry pouch and two collars.one carry box spare batteries . £200 posted
  10. think you will find its not are leaders that cause the division it's the muslims them selfs shooting innocent people and rape kids
  11. This end of http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Zgemma-H-2H-Dual-Core-Satellite-TV-Receiver-With-24-Months-Warranty-HD-Channel-/252660579549?hash=item3ad3be7cdd%3Ag%3AAvYAAOSwUKxYdgh6&_trkparms=pageci%253Ad246a25d-e569-11e6-bce0-74dbd1805309%257Cparentrq%253Ae59303c61590a2a4f384fe3fffab71b9%257Ciid%253A5
  12. Starlight NV quantum firefly ir laser. It is in perfect working order selling as I want to upgraded to the dragon fly. £105 posted Thanks for looking
  13. Okay to use this bait, after it is brewed you can use an atomizer...sray bottle...to spray a shrub or grass area where you want to shoot, or you can place it onto some cotton balls in a plastic ziplock bag and set them out where you want to shoot. BE WARNED DO NOT SPILL IT ON YOURSELF AS YOU WILL HAVE TO WEAR IT OFF This is my number one bait for trapping or shooting nuicance fox and coyotes. An added bonus it it also attracts bucks when the deer come into rut, and has been the demise of many a large mature buck. Ok, Here goes: Go to your local stables and ask for some hoof tr
  14. martyn2233


    I'm sure callers can be used fox/deer BUT not birds
  15. https://www.ludicrous-lumens.co.uk/collections/tr-series-lamps-ir-illuminators-tr38-tr75
  16. The blood on my finger is from one of the mink scratching me. Since mink can climb, they have much sharper claws than ferrets do. I rarely get bitten by any of my mink. At least not hard enough to cause damage. They play bite, or in one mink's case try to bluff me with mock bites, but none of them hurt or cause damage. I don't really remember the last time one of my mink bit me. Muskrat bites on the other hand, can be pretty hard to forget!!!!! Beware, this video, especially the last half, is quite bloody and will be disturbing to most viewers! love the video but fook me go to hospital
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