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Everything posted by martyn2233

  1. Little tip don’t put gravy in before cooking inject it in after cooking stops it been soggy at bottom
  2. The wife done lettuce tomatoes peppers beetroot onions spuds leeks spring onions me apple tree peach tree x2 orange tree x2 lemon tree apricot tree blueberrie all in large pots looks good Gooseberry Bush rhubarb strawberry bed grape vine in greenhouse
  3. Good protection dogs them Chihuahuas I got my daughter one then that got a protection dog lol
  4. http://www.vipleague.cc/boxing/537408/1/george-groves-vs-chris-eubank-jr-live-stream-online.html
  5. This is from February 2016 look at the date
  6. My mum did last year They look healthy and doing well
  7. Here you go https://www.quintessentialtips.com/collections/cbd-tea-uk the wife buy these for bad back https://www.quintessentialtips.com/collections/cbd-tea-uk/products/dr-greenlove-s-amsterdam-cbd-tea-25-sachets
  8. https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/4-ROLLS-28CM-24M-TEXTURED-VACUUM-VAC-SEALER-SOUS-VIDE-FOOD-SAVER-BAGS-HEALTHY/112274654611?epid=795052220&hash=item1a24174593:g:evsAAOSwnHZYgIGb
  9. Believe it or not some places are paying £8 and up its not worth working door anymore
  10. Don’t use nails as ground pins mate 4ft pins only in this f***ing wind
  11. This fella http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/profile/2037-donnyc/
  12. Doorman could have just pushed him over ffs I’m a small skinny c**t and Work doors no f***ing need give us all a bad name ps no we don’t get to keep the drugs we advise the c**ts to leave and come back off there heads why f**k a man night up
  13. Any links to which thermal you have mate
  14. Are you having a sale on the XQ38F model
  15. Yes remember where you lost them lol
  16. just a few all taken with an iphone yes all wild but in a closed park lions where less then 3 meters away
  17. Yep in Kenya mate did Tsavo east Tsavo west take a look on here http://www.freedomafrica.co.uk/kenya-holidays/safaris/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlKyO0o2O2AIVGd0bCh0qlQBLEAAYAiAAEgJDsfD_BwE
  18. It will help if you say which cz they fit mate
  19. Shed a tear myself , thanks for sharing.
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