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Everything posted by Reddog83

  1. Rey 27 there is a thread knocking about were someone clearly states your an anti ..... To no reply from your good self you want to look threw your content and sortie out mate
  2. You obviously haven't seen mc cubans new video have you ....
  3. got a brock that works here you are just of out hunting tell us more . . . . there's as much chance a fox working fox as there is that brock working brocks. no chance. And that's that
  4. got a brock that works here you are just of out hunting Haha I nearly missed the terriers in the cage do they work other badgers ? And what purpose do you use the badger for nice pics
  5. Thank you atomo watt was the fox like around fox did it work them?
  6. This one looks like Hannibal lectors cell
  7. Why kc registered will it work better then?
  8. Wat do u think scent jokes aside do u think it whuld work ?
  9. Wat dose attack fell terrier, liam mc,Wexford pa, cristian71' mush ray, think about this you lot seem to have a good knowledge to me on terriers ... Of other threads I have read on here .
  10. Haha nah I don't want to do it I've only kept terriers for a few years I seen something on the net and it got me thinking whaT I want to know is why couldn't it be done and a real reason why not .... And I agree it whuld be some sight ....
  11. Nothing wrong with a healthy debate try and keep it clean
  12. Does sound daft as feck mate...! I wuddent say daft as f**k maybe a bit far fetched because terriers have been brought up with badgers and still hunt them and a fox will have a high hunting instinct maybe higher than a terrier as it's come from a line of hunters or whuld be extinct ....someone must have done this in the past has anyone ever seen feral children who think there dogs? And bark instead of talk? ever seen the crow and the cat on u tube ? Why you think it's daft as f**k storm why wuddent it work? Am not bein a dick with you ime just interested that's all
  13. Unlucky for me who's about to get one not bothered tho my dogs are worth it
  14. Reddog83


    Facebooks good for keeping in touch with friends from other countries and far away who's numbers get lost .... And that's about it any illegal talk gets reported and it's searched by the police who also have fake accounts and can acsess all your pms I don't go on it often jus to get details of peeps I need to and also to find peeps
  15. This might sound daft but...... If u reared a fox cub from a early age with a litter of working terriers (hand reared) let's say U kept 2 back and the cub and they were living together fine with no problems eating and sleeping together do u think the fox whuld work fox or whuld the terriers stop working fox has anybody done this in the past when the laws were more lax or even heard of it . I have seen badgers reared with terriers in other countries and they still work badgers just wondering ????
  16. Mark I don't mean to be funny but you sound like a mard arse mate moaning and crying given your dog up coz some ones give u a bit of shit on the net
  17. I wud say for your first terrier u want a Bayer any type something you can dig often and be out there every week with you only getting 1 dog
  18. Reddog83

    Dog Sh*t

    Some kid probably scoopt that for a snow ball
  19. Reddog83


    Has anyone seen city of god
  20. Reddog83


    Brilliant music for that film
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