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mr t

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About mr t

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. I am looking to get a dog for pushing out foxes and rabbits to lurchers. Its mostly heavy ditches and small bits of cover I'll be working. I would like something that wouldn't travel far and can be trained well. Can anybody give a hint in what breed or cross would suit me.
  2. I got a New 14 amp belt pack 2day should I charge it or leave it till I go out
  3. What's the best way to charge a lead acid battery. Leave it on constantly charge or just charge it till it's charged .
  4. I got him at 6 months old so I don't know if he was. Is there anything I could do to help him be less nervous
  5. It's his problem with the parked cars that drive me mad. He's grand with our one car but any other cars he can't go near. Is there any thing I could do to maybe help him
  6. I have a 16 month old pup collie X greyhound. He is a very good dog but he has one downside he can't walk near park cars and he is nervous. Is this a phase and will he grow out of it. Can anyone help me
  7. I hav a collie x grey pup he is 15 months old. I was just wondering what age roughly they start catching rabbits cause he has given easy rabbits but he doesn't seem to catch. Is it something that comes in time can anybody tell me Thanks
  8. Which is the best way 2 build muscle on a dog. What's the best diet to feed da dog on. Can anyone help me ? Thanks
  9. What is da best lamp to get but I don' t hav a lot of money any body recommend a good lamp .
  10. Can anyone help with the battery life gauge on the lithium battery cause I am not sure how much battery I have left .
  11. What would you feed da ferret
  12. I am thinking of getting into ferreting and was wondering what I need to start. I hav a deben LRT terrier finder but I don't hav a ferret collar also I don't no weather the collar will work with the box would anyone know Also any tips on working the ferret. Thanks.
  13. How do u know a fox earth to a rabbit warren
  14. Which way is the best way to train a dog to come back when the lamp is knocked off.
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