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About Rarebit

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  1. Hi, The best I can offer this close to Christmas is £110 (or I'm the one that will get shot!) and if acceptable I would simlpy need your email address and would pay today by Paypal.
  2. I am just in the process of scoping it in. I have replied as young Oli was so busy studying for exams, driving lessons, playing cricket, cricket practice, going to school etc etc etc that is has taken me over a week to tie him down after doing the deal.
  3. Hi,

    Please do not be insulted but although I dearly want a night vision unit I am not able to offer that much.

    The best I can offer is 125 posted but can pay you today via PayPal and all I would need is your email address.

    My best


    01572 737554

    07918 743 827

  4. It says with everthing so would expect 'everything' does mean with battery. Not much use without LOL Would the seller please confirm.
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