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Everything posted by HiLost

  1. theres been no post here for 3 days so that might be the cause, but doesnt explain him not answering his phone
  2. HiLost

    legal issues?

    well said when are people going to learn?
  3. good for you mate definately worth the trip then
  4. good cull there mate and a good write up looks like theres plenty of roe on that patch
  5. good post anyone in the uk who puts pics of hares foxes and deer on with their dogs and brags about catching them is playing a game of russian roulette. its a well known fact the authorities prowl these sites they see posts like these made by "hunters" as scum that need to be stamped out and these type of posts are a wet dream for them
  6. well said mate buzzards are opportunistic birds that will take any free meal they can get
  7. its only a fiver to donate hardly breaking the bank is it
  8. your right mate 2 bad winters in a row will take its toll on the wildlife
  9. great bag of birds there mate well done
  10. HiLost

    the kennel club

    thats not strictly true mate. take the kc reg working cocker for example. they are a world apart from some of the show strains but both types have the same breed standard and can be registered with the kc. what makes the difference between them is the working breeders breed for work and the show breeders breed for looks. so the breeders are really the ones who control how certain lines and strains evolve into usefull working ones or ones that just look "pretty"
  11. whats the price mate and where are you?
  12. well done, a few stop or long nets can be a blessing in frozen conditions when its hard to get purse net pegs in the ground
  13. great condition mk1 .22 air rifle all accessories included padded theoben bag 12 shot magazines buddy bottle etc. has a simmons whitetail scope very powerful gun £500 no offers pm for more info.
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