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Everything posted by HiLost

  1. scum bags! just shows you can never be too careful when dealing with strangers
  2. how do people on here usually get their antlers mounted? do youse do them yourselves or send them away to a taxidermist or similar to be done professionally? what is involved in preparing a head for mounting do you bleach it and then varnish or is there special chemicals involved? probably daft questions to ask but Ive never done it before and Ive a set Id quite like done for the wall and it would be great if someone can either post an "idiots guide" or contact details for someone in scotland who can do a good job? thanks in advance
  3. really hope you get them back soon brookie
  4. HiLost


    well done mate good wee write up there
  5. You cant click on a picture in a book though to find out if it was actually taken when the author says it was, but you can on forums.
  6. Completely agree with you there It would be really good to see it return to the way it used to be when there was much more hunting talk and less arguing and bickering. Happy new year and happy hunting to all
  7. Darcy did used to contribute to the site in its early days, as did a lot of other sensible posters who put up good topics and pics. Sadly most of them have either left the site or decided posting about their current hunting activities is too risky. If you have a look in the photography section he does still contribute with excellent wildlife pics and always willing to help people, I think theres a bit of the green eyed monster going on here?
  8. Theres a big difference between putting together a book of pre ban photographs and hunting tales and coming on a forum and putting up a topic with pics of dead hares, foxes or deer and going "heres some gear I killed pre-ban" If you do the latter and the pics arent pre-ban, it takes a matter of moments for the authorities to check the exif data, find your whereabouts and identity etc from your ip, and determine that you may have committed an illegal act. Darcy books do talk about poaching and pre ban hunting activities, but any antis or police wanting to get convictions which is ultimately t
  9. yeah I wouldnt mind knowing how to do this too if anyone can help
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjZSU3dIh78 Ive seen mature billies twice the size of the ones in this clip
  11. HiLost

    FAO crobinc840

    well said its a harsh accusation to make without any proof personally I think its a load of utter bull to try and get the sympathy vote from the male members of the site
  12. well done, great pics keep em coming
  13. lock your door would be a good starting point
  14. getting milder and the snows melting thank god! be able to get back out with the dogs soon, fingers crossed
  15. dread is no dog theif just have a night out with the lad what have you got to lose? I would jump at the chance if I lived a bit closer
  16. very true the slip is a must for me when training a young dog, you need to be able to pick and choose the best rabbits for it and the best time to slip it. on the first few outings the pup wont see the rabbit til it moves so thats the best time to slip but as they get more experience, you can slip them as soon as you know they have seen the rabbit when you feel the pull on the lead, eventually they start to spot squatters and its great when that penny finally drops cos once they have picked a few their training is pretty much complete and you can start sending them down the beam to whatever di
  17. No I dont run everything doubled up I have 2 lurchers that both work off the slip thats what I meant. I never even mentioned taking them out together did I? As it happens I run them singlehanded and alternate what nights I work them individually depending on the weather and what injuries etc each of them has. I just assumed I wouldnt have to write that they are worked seperately as I thought most people lamped one dog one rabbit? but of course this is THL and some people do tend to need every little thing explaining to them
  18. thats a good way to do it if you have enough running for 2 dogs, that way you can swap them over throughout the night and they both get a turn
  19. I also voted out of a vehicle because when I get the chance to do that I enjoy that too. I dont have a 4x4 though so 99% of my lamping is on foot but its definately the way to go if you want lots of running and good bags
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