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Everything posted by dave1600d

  1. i got my girls spayed at the same time..theyve always been kept together even after the op ,,i kept an eye on them n kept em indors whilst they healed to prevent infection,,,,,ATB dave
  2. gutted for ya mate,,,atb dave
  3. update on this one.....i kept the new one in her hutch inside the large shed the other 2 share for a coupla days,,swapping bedding each nite..,,then i got em all out n let em together in the living room{nice neutral ground for all}.there was a quick rag from my oldest one,,then lotsa dooking/wardancing or watever you call it,,now theyre all living together in harmony,,,nice,,im well happy shes been accepted by my elder ones,,just gotta sort the nipping out now lol
  4. shes a jill definitely mate i check [bANNED TEXT] i got her,,thanks anyways,,,,
  5. hi all i have recently been given a 16 week old{or so im told} kit,,,,she was in with her brother at the previous house and the owner said that he was constantly ragging her so he split them up........and i ended up adopting her,,,,as a kit she sure is big,,,,,shes bigger than my 2 jills i have at the moment and they are both sisters of 2 and a half years old...and have lived with me since they were 8 week old kits,,,,,,,i tried introducing the new addition to my two in neutral ground,,ie my living room,one o f my jills is not even bothered about her ,,but the slighlty larger one of the two{wh
  6. not saying the grass is greener blah blah blah elmer,,,,,,,,,just saying theyre doing a good job in looking after these animals that have been mistreated or dealt a bad hand in their life,,,,these creatures dont ask to be cruely treated etc......im sure we all look after our ferrets to our best ability but some dont,,,,,,so tranny or no tranny,,he/she/it/ isdoing a good thing for these creatures,,
  7. im not into trannys meself but like some said on here it was more about the trannys life than the ferrets,,,but big up to them,,,they spent their own time,,money etc on looking after the ferts,,,,,surely thats worth giving them some recognition for,,,,
  8. sorry to hear about your loss mate,,specially as they were good workers,,ATB,,dave
  9. is it absolute rubbish?,,,,educate me,,,thats what i was always told..thats why i got mine spayed,,first season..didnt want em dying on me....dont just say its rubbish,,please explain,,i come on this forum to be educated about ferret welfare/keeping...as many on here seem to be very experienced in this field,,.thanks
  10. gotta be a wind up surely,,the bloke only posted he first post on here.....then hes not posted f**k all since then......perhaps its dead n hes ashamed.......
  11. get her jabbed or she may die,,,,asap
  12. 3 cracking looking ferrets there mate atb,dave
  13. got two jills..never worked em,,just pets,,,,,spoil em n thats about it really,,,,my kids love em to bits,,,,great pets,,and no doubt great hunters as well for those that choose to hunt with thiers,,,atb ,,dave
  14. SAW THIS ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE AND DECIDED TO REPOST IN THE HOPE THAT SOME CAN BE SAVED..............** SOS ** ** SOS** Seized ferrets NEED HOMES NOW .... approx 100 of them before RSPCA take and PTS ..... CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASEEEE ...... my mobile number is 07866 292 080 .... ONLY PHONE ME IF YOU CAN HELP ..... I'm going to get some now ... THESE FERRETS ARE IN THE WIGAN AREA AND THIS IS VERY URGENT ........ Thank You This is from Sue Randle..... please share
  15. hope you find the ferret mate,,mine come to me if i squeek a toy they have in their court,,,,,maybe try that around your area,,,dont worry bout what people think,,if it gets the ferret back ,its worth it,,,thought id lost one of my jills today,,,,had the 2 fans going in their house to keep it cool but it musta been so hot she was sound asleep even after squeeking the toy,,,she didnt come out...so i panicked,,threw all the bedding out ,,opened the top lid to the other bedding area,,eventually after i felt my heart sink,,the little cow came outta one of the tubes,,,,much to my relief,,,ATB,,DAVE
  16. stamp on it? wtf you going on about? you must be some kinda c u n t aint ya mate.....someone wantsa stamp on your fukin head,,see how you like it
  17. mine live in a shed 2.5metres long by 2 metres wide....theres the floorspace then up the tube to the next level{a shelf with wooden border to stop em falling}either side,,,then a tube up to the 3rd level where theres the hammock that the sleep in,,,,on the second level theres another box where they can sleep....trouble is,,they shit in every corner almost so it has to be cleaned out n disinfected everyday,,,,theres a fan from an old air soccer game of my sons on the inside roof to keep em cool when its hot..theres mesh on the windows that open to stop em getting out,,,,,in fact i think il mov
  18. nice one..glad hes back ok
  19. got an update on the ferret? or pics?
  20. sorry to hear that mate,,hope fully the other jill will make em come good for ya,,,ATB,, dave
  21. good to hear you got her to the vets,,,that woulda been first n foremost in most of the people on here,,,,,,except of course baldrocks bollocks or watever his name is,,,,his answer to everything in to knock it on the f@kin head,,, ,,,seeing as you didnt do this and the jill now seems to be on the up,,,,,you can see how stupid the idea is to cull it,,,just coz it cant work,,it dont mean you should kill it,,shes as you say your best worker,,,shes worked her little heart out for you,,,seems right that you owe it to her to do look after her,,,if you dont want her,,,il have her
  22. sorry to hear that mate,,always a sad story to hear,,ATB DAVE
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