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Everything posted by dave1600d

  1. mine are in a wooden garden shed,,8x6,,,i have a a large metal biscuit assortment tin on the floor with plenty of water in it to keep them cool and keep it on the floor where it belongs ,,,,,and a have a large desk fan 14 inches across on full chill hanging from the door frame blowing cold air in during the heat,,,they still have their sleeping box with bedding in case it gets cold during the night but ive also put up a hammock for them to sleep in if they get too hot,,,,,they also have a feeder bottle and i put ice cubes in the large water bowl to keep it cool,,,,,,,,,,,,as for the poxy flie
  3. nice job mate,,good on ya for takin him in,,,ATB,,dave
  4. sad to hear that she died mate,,,,,,,ATB,,,,dave,,,,,,,its obvious you monitered the situation and she seemed to get better but unfortunately died,,,,very sad day for ya
  5. hope you find homes for the stinkers mate,ATB,dave
  6. ................................................my sentiments exactly,,the poor little stinker didnt ask to be born a non worker,,,
  7. when it comes to cutting my stinkers nails i just lay them in my arm on their back as if holding a baby then smear some ferret paste {beapher i use},,or ferretone on their stomach,enough to keep em occupied for a couple of minutes ,,then theyre putty in my hands,,i can clip their nails with no struggling whatsoever,,without this they struggle n wriggle like fu*k ,lol
  8. ......................................................................................................................looks like when the photo was taken,,the ferret moved its head,,,,,,its caused like a ghost effect of the eyes in the picture mate,thats all it is,,,,,they aint bite marks ,,,
  9. good luck with her mate,,hope she pulls through ok,,
  10. thats the way to go mate,,,,,that way theyle be used to each others scent
  11. if you get a hob and hes only vasectomised he wont leave her alone till hes out of season so she will be ragged every day more than likely.......she may end up sore or even worse........ive got 3 jills,,all been spayed,,it cost me 48 pounds each to get em done,,,i dunno if this was expensive but i was recommended to go to the vet i used by the rescue nearby because she does them all the time,,,shes very neat in here stitching after the op,,and they use her,,,id rather pay the extra for peace of mind and my ferrets welfare,,,,,,,,than use any old vet and lose them,,[bANNED TEXT] i got my third
  12. sorry to hear that mate,,,ATB,,dave
  13. sorry to hear that bud,,strange how the little stinkers get to ya right where it hurts,,,,,,good luck with the settling in mate,,dave
  14. sad this is,,,,,,these little stinkers have worked their little hearts out for some people and at the end of it .......it all comes to this,,,,,flogged off at a fukin market,,,,,,surely people must realise that a ferret is for life,,,not just for the rabbiting season,,,,,pisses me right off
  15. sorry to hear that mate,,sounds like the stinker was on their way home,,so near but so far,,,,,sad way to end
  16. sorry to hear that mate,,,,,but you did what was best in the end,,dont beat yerself up over it,,,,,,,,better for him to relieve him from his suffering......atb mate,,,,,dave
  17. bad news mate,,nobody likes to hear that,,atb
  18. my boy cleans it in the morning,,ie picks the shit outta the corners,,,,,,they shit in every corner possible,,dunno why,,,,,,,he will give em fresh food n water in the morning,,,then about eight every night i go out,,,repick the shit up that theyve done during the day,,,,disinfect the corners where theyve done their doings and wipe it over..then its fresh food again,,with warm lactose free milk as a night cap lol....then its lights out n goodnight all,,,,,,,the shit n old food is recycled,,,ie...i launch it into the woods opposite my house,,,,,the shit does the trees good,,,n the food does the
  19. my 3 jills dont seem to be hardly touching their food lately,,,,,they are still loking and acting healthy,,,anyone having this with theirs.........atb,,dave
  20. sorry to hear of your loss mate,,,lots on here are no doubt very experienced keepers of ferrets,,,,,,but like most said,,,get it to the vets asap because by the time youve looked on here the poor little fooker would have deteriated even more,,,,,but if you done as you said and got it to the vets asap,,well in my eyes you done ok,,,,,,,like some say on here,,they aint got vet money but if had a sick ferret and it cost quid to see the vet.if i had the money .id not think twice,,,,i would not knock it on the head,,,i know you can pick em up free or for a tenner or so but id never knock one on th
  21. i have used a disinfectant in my ferret shed for the whole time ive had my jills,,,,,{2 and half years},,,,,,i i wipe the area where they shit n piss then ,i spray it over the place where theyve pissed then wipe it up daily,,,,,ive had no problems with the ferrets at all,,,,,,i must admit i was unaware of any side effects caused by the use of it,,,,any more info would be helpful,,cheers in advance,,,dave,
  22. sorry about your loss mate..it seems like just an unfortunate mishap.......R.I.P your poor ferret mate,ATB dave
  23. my 3 jills are in a 6ft6 by 8ft shed.....ive shelved it so theres a caged off bit at the top by the windows so they can see out and lotsa light gets in,,this caged off window opens as well,,,,,,,,,,,,then theres another level with their bed on the opposite side with another level below that,,,then they have the whole floor space as well to run about,,,,,,the door is open in daylight with a high board to stop em escapin,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its a pain to keep clean though coz theres so many corners for em to shit in,,,,,,,but its cleaned everyday by me or my son and the corners sprayed with d
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