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Everything posted by dave1600d

  1. mine are in their shed,,,,got a sleepin box made outta thick wood and holes drilled to stop condensation..theres 3 small blankets in there and 2 large ones..put me hand in there,,its as warm as toast.........3 jills,2 hobs all cuddled up together,,nice to see em all wrapped up n warm together,,,,,,,,id suggest if your hutch was wet inside,,turn it around so it dont face the bad weather and keep it off the floor mate..ATB
  2. theres always one twat who has to dispute the saying,,,,,,,,and today nothernlite,,,,,,,its YOU!!!!!!!,,FUKIN CUM BUBBLE
  4. I will , its just a suggestion btw, I'm not tryin to take away from your post or get preachy with you. ....thats ok mate,,i guess the guy will find out which way will suit him best,,,,,,,,hopefully the ferret will come good no matter which method he uses,,atb,,,,,dave
  5. mine struggled to get me,,perhaps i been lucky then,,but this method always worked for me with all mine.....but each to their own way mate..do it whatever way works best for you,, sorry bout that cant use the editor thing properly yet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but thats my answer to garys post,,,,atb
  6. I find they can still get ya when your thumbs under the front leg, think it works better if your thumbs over the front leg rather than under it with the other leg between your index and middle finger. I find they can still get ya when your thumbs under the front leg, think it works better if your thumbs over the front leg rather than under it with the other leg between your index and middle finger.mine struggled to get me,,perhaps i been lucky then,,but this method always worked for me with all mine.....but each to their own way mate..do it whatever way works best for you,,
  7. use a small hole mesh so they cant get out,,,but not chicken wire,,,coz they may bite through it n get out,,good luck mate,,dave
  8. http://www.photoshoppix.com/coppermine/displayimage/album=5/pos=81.html..like this mate.....
  9. look at this piece of film,,,pause it at 35 seconds in,,,,this is how i held my hob when i got him,,,,,,if you look at the way the girl is holding him,,but imagine the ferret facing her instead of the camera,,,,her thumb would be under one front leg,,across the chest of the ferret,,,and up to its opposite shoulder,the girls fingers would be across its back,,,then taking his weight with the other hand ..this way he cannot bite you,,i tried this with mine and it worked,,,but getting him off the floor was another matter,,,,,i used to pick him up quick and get him into the holding position as qui
  11. try to introduce them on neutral ground mate,theyre probably territorial coz hes going into their space,,,,,i know youre gonna put him into theirs in the end but try it to start,,,,,,,,,i introduced 3 like that and it works,,,they do scuffle for about a week or so,,,my latest one weve had for just over a fortnight now,,hes right laid back and was getting a bit bullied,,,but he stands his ground now,,,and they all sleep together and get on,,ive got 5 and started with 2,,theyre all ok together,,,,,if he sleeps seperate make sure hes got plenty of bedding to keep him warm as hes alone,,,,,mine s
  12. hes lonely mate probably and bored,,,,bigger hutch and things to keep him occupied id say..try gettin him castrated,,may calm him down,,,ATB,,DAVE
  13. blame the scottish twat,,,taking the piss out of peoples comments mate
  14. not worried about twats like that scottish cnut mate,,all mouth behind the keyboard,,if he wants it,,,,,he knows where to come to have it,,,,,,and if he wins.....il be a good sport and even re-imburse his diesel money for him,,,,,,,
  15. well thats that twat on ignore,,,,cant see his posts anymore,,,,,,nothernlite..........cant even spell that properly,,,,,,meant to be northernlite i think,,,,,,,well he knows my postcode and house number so if he ever wants to come out of hiding from his keyboard,,he more than welcome to......im not gonna call him scottish,,,,,,,gonna call him scotch,,,,,lol
  16. no wonder the irish were able to win back their country and not the scottish lol
  17. another keyboard warrior by the looks of things,,,,,theres one on every forum...
  18. well if your ferrets are still living,,,,,,pop down to mine,,,,,,,TN2 5EX,,NUMBER 145,,,,,,,thats forest road if you aint got a sat nav,,youre probably so tight youre still using ordnance survey maps
  19. I saw a Scot and a Jew waiting for a bus, and when it came around the corner the Scot ran up a block to meet it and the Jew ran down a block to wait for it. So I said, "All right, boys, I know you're both stingy, but what's the story? Why did you do different things?" And the Jew said "I wanted a longer ride for my money," and the Scot said "I wanted to keep my money longer!"
  20. "What's the difference between a Scotsman and a coconut?" "You can get a drink out of a coconut"
  21. if you want my postcode and door number you can have that,,,,,,if you want to come down and see if i can do any better jock
  22. no i wouldnt have a scotsman as a partner thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,theyre too tight
  23. thinking of starting a job teaching stupid scotsmen like you to spell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,have you read your posts before posting them?,,,or are you so f*****g tight that your keyboard has half the letters missing?,,,,,,,,nah,i think you are just thick lmfao.......
  24. no it dont sit on a chair,,,it sits on a scotsmans cock,,,,,,because theyre small and you cant hardly feel em apparently
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