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About dave1600d

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    Born Hunter

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  1. glad to hear shes ok mate
  2. had that happen to one of my jills,,,,,,,thought she was dead,,,,,laying limp..,,,,,,,,,,,,,heart sinking feeling,,i was gutted,,,then she woke up....!!!..little cow!!!!................also went into the shed the pther day,,no ferts in the bed or hammock,,,,,,went indoors to see if my son had bought em in,,,,,,,,,i went mental my heart was beating and i felt real gutted,,,,,thought someone had stolen them,,,,,,,,,,they were all 5 of them in the large pipe asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!..imagine my panic then pure relief after finding them,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!..little shits!!!.
  3. one of my hobs had a limp a few weeks back,,,,,,,i left him overnight and he was a lot better,,,,,,still limping slightly though....took him to the vets even though he looked better,just for peace of mind,,,,,,,,,,,vet said he may have caught it jumping outta the hammock or maybe fell from a high part of the shed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he was given pain killers for 3 days and is right as rain now,,,,,,well worth the 29 pound fee,,even though there was nothing wrong with him,,just for peace of mind,,,
  4. hopefully she will come round for ya mate,,,,if youda knocked her on the head without trying,,,,you woulda always been wondering wat woulda happened.....but now you given her a chance and she seems to be okay,,,,you know youve made the right decision......100 quid is a bit steep,,,but id have paid it if i couldnt find a better price,,,,ATB dave
  5. olive oil for mine,,poundland,,,,,,eeerrrrrrrrr,,,,,just one pound!!! lol
  6. nice one..glad to hear hes back safe n sound
  8. good luck with the rehoming mate,,they look like a coupla cracking boys,,,would be nice to rehome em together,,ive got two jill sisters,,a single jill and two rescue hobs,,,,,,,,hope someones got space for em bud,,ATB,,DAVE
  9. looks a right mean fecker mate,,,,,,bet hes a right softie though lol,,,nice stinker though
  10. try harrietsham ferret rescue mate,,roy n chris are overrun with them,,,,,,,
  11. glad hes ok mate,,lets hope he makes a full recovery,,,,,,nice one...
  12. dont breed mate,,if you want to build your stock up theres plenty from rescues etc and plenty on here foe nothing or very little.......ATB,DAVE
  13. no mate...not with ferrets,,,go shooting with my mate,,,take my shotgun and rifle,,,,,had a few ol foxes n bunnies lately,,,almost had a deer but me mate got it first .
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