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Everything posted by djwarner

  1. Thanks lads bout sum to day and Brent all the old straw and shaveing shud have bin more cerfull I won't be so stupid next time thanks
  2. I got up this mornig and I noticed me Jill who has just had kits 2 weeks ago has got all these. Red bugs on her I think there fles I don't no wat to do don't won't to harm kits
  3. I have 2 hobs and 2 jills the 2 hobs are me best workers I work 1 Jill and me other Jill I have as a pet because all she dus is lay on top of u and play about never bit or nipped me she's as good as gold
  4. Nice wats ur best worker gill or hob
  5. Oright mate only started me self in September I get all my stuff from www.bridportnets.co.uk they have a good selection of nets and ul need a locater ther is the mk3 I think ther spot on and ul need a spade that ok bud and don't forget to enjoy your self bud
  6. Nice dog mate [bANNED TEXT] he or she call
  7. Me old man won't let me have no more pets at the house I have 2 hobs a Jill that's got kits a Jill the 5 days from giving birth a gold fish 6 carp a me cat who's me best mate
  8. Has any 1 got a pics of big catches
  9. I only started in November got about 43 had no look the 1st mouths but u soon pic it up from books DVDs and the lads and lasses on. Her help a lot
  10. If ur ferret has kits and cums back in season can u get the gill jab or will this effect her and her kits
  11. Season bud only have a bit of permission
  12. Season bud only have a bit of permission
  13. Oright lads and lasses was wondering wots ur goal for rabbits this cuming season me and my mate are going for 250
  14. Bridport nets mk3 there spot on
  15. Thanks better to be safe than sorry
  16. Soz don't no how to deleat this
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