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Everything posted by hunter.wales

  1. i have shot a crossman ratcatcher it was great lovely and light and nice to shoot i hate the norica dragon its crap my cousion had one he also had the ratcather as a replacement for the norica dragons that broke it looked well built but it wasnt the trigger was hard to pull the spring was twangy and cheap it took great effot to cock and heavy its shit dun worry ur guns better try ebay for the ratcatcher case and they sell them in my local gun shop and i have seen them in other gun shops as well
  2. i love my air arms s400 so far its great and accurate if you get the single shot you can get a brillent scope,silencer and pump but i prefere the dive bottle better for your gun and lasts longer and if you want a quiet gun get a good silencer weirhach about £40 and as all my mates said the best makes are air arms,bsa, and weirhach i would go for one of them also get a good second hand one you will get a better deal with some good kit thats how i got my aa s400 for a bargin it had a deben lamp,hawke scope,silencer,bipod,sling and swivels,bottle,and flip up lenses for £400 and also if you ar
  3. nice pic what dogs is it beddy and a wolfhound
  4. hello hunters i have just joined the fourm as my mates said its great and gives good advice well my hobbies are mainly ferreting,lurchers but mostly terriers i keep a patterdale dog i also have a day with the hounds when i get a chance i like helping the shoot,and i go pigeon shooting ,decoying and ruff shooting and have started to go wildfowling a couple of times i am hopeing to get in to airguns as i am got a air arms s400 cheap with the scope so i am learning with that i have previous owned airguns but the shity smks and chinese guns
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