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Everything posted by minka79

  1. thank for all the above comments, i have to say i am really impressed with both my jills they are both happy to enter the burrows my sandy jill is yet to bolt a rabbit yet but yesturday was only there second time out so im still hopfull she will be as keen as her sister.
  2. cheers lads i will take this on board, i have a locator and would dig if it became nessasary but i would prefer not to be digging every other burrow.
  3. ive had my too jills out today for their second time, the first time went great till the last burrow of the day when my poley jill nailed a rabbit down a hole and took some getting out. today the same jill nailed a rabbit in the first burrow, but still came came up within ten minutes and went on to bolt three or four other rabbits until the last burrow of the day again where she decided to stay down the burrow for half an hour i think she was either a sleep or she had caught another rabbit, we alternated the ferrets as they are still young but she is the only one who manages to bolt rabbit
  4. Best reply so far, ATB Seany if you look back he always has the best and most sensable advice great for beginers like me
  5. i used sikkens oil based stain for my hutch and box its stoping the penitration of piss so far good stuff but its not cheap.
  6. they got lamb hearts they seemed to like them. at least i was a changed from the dry stuff any way i should get some rabbits next week
  7. Whats the best meat i can get from the butcher for my kits im strugling to get hold of any rabbits or pigeons at the minute?
  8. a couple of hobs and a jill for sale these were bred for someone who can no longer take them i just want £5 to cover there food for the last 8 weeks pm me if you are intrested
  9. i was there last year staying at the campsite and a bloke caught a cuople of decent brownies on lob worm
  10. Hi salmon fisherman i started salmon fishing last year and im still wating to catch one yet the closest ive been to one was in asda ive heard there hard to catch but this is ridiculous i read trout and salmon then go out buy the flys that are catching on the rivers they say they are fish them and catch naff all. im not the best at casting but i can get a line out. ive now started trying to judge water levels but havnt really got a clue so any tips for the tyne ,north tyne, south tyne coquet,till, eden ,border esk would be a huge help and any good flys too please
  11. cheers for the reply great help thanks
  12. Well that what il do then thats what most people have told me thanks
  13. i dont want to inject them i was asking if i needed to! i always get my dogs done and was wondering if you have to treat ferrets the same.
  14. im new to keeping ferrets a was wondering if i need to get my kits injections and what injections i should get we have a dog so i guess parvo will be one of the injections needed but im not sure about worming can any one help me out here? i have asked and some people get there injections and some dont so im not sure what to do also what age do i get them done?
  15. heres a picture of my new kits
  16. what did u bath them in ?
  17. ive got a purple headed whomb ferret its not very big and it doesnt work for long
  18. try shorty short on here i think he might have a spare hob from this year hes in blyth tho
  19. cheers ideation will they need weening of the dog food and which dried food would you recomend? i dont realy want to get into buying tin food anyway
  20. I get my ferret Kits at the weekend ive done a bit ferreting inthe past but this is the first time ive had the opertunity to keep my own ferrets my mate has them eating tinned dog food i was wondering which is the best and is there any particular ingredients i should look for on the back of the tin i want to give them the best start i can any advice on other food will also be a great help im hoping to get them onto dry food asap until the winter when i get plenty phesant carcases also i dont want flies hanging round
  21. thats a few miles more than i intend to travel
  22. i posted on here a few weeks ago asking if there were any blackeyed white kits in the northumberland area im geting a pole cat in a few weeks off a mate of mine and was hoping to get a BEW about the same time or now if anyone has any im after jills if posible i will travel a few mile if i need to minka
  23. its a stupid looking thing where does this type of breeeding come from?
  24. take a look at this the bunnys will piss there pants laughing
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