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Alex Arrigone

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Everything posted by Alex Arrigone

  1. my mistake mate and i checked and found it dead. i agree though, the vid is decieaving atb
  2. nothing like the satisfaction of dropping the pigeon who's been waking you up all morning afer a night on the town ahhh ... silence at last http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O0EUwaDg7s
  3. thanks everyone for your compliments was an amazing day. one of the best atb alex
  4. sp for the post buddy just realised i'm on holiday next week so i'll be back next weekend lol see ya soon squizza killa
  5. hey all. well i look stupid now easiest thing in the world to repair. as buster said akk it took was the allen key. cheers for the help lads!
  6. thanks for the help. the trigger is still on factory setting. it seems as if, where as it had a clear cocking action and cocking path before that now its loose, and feeble and that it has no clear action. i unfortunately think it may be the mechanism. but due to the ani tamper i hope it isnt
  7. hey guys, i put up a post about 4 weeks ago about a cocking handle problem. i brought my 3 month old air arms S410 back to the shop and had it fixed. 4 weeks on, yet another problem. the cocking handle has come loose. and in it turns too high and low and randomely decides if it will cock back at all sometimes. i know its a poor description but i dont know how else to describe it any help is greatly appreciated thanks
  8. i'm in marne barracks now! small world
  9. looks the part mate!!! we'll have to do some target practice at the weekend with them!
  10. the thumb is at the bottom right of each thing someone posts. you click it and it turns into a number 1. lol will show ya at the weekend. immediate notification as in, "watch this post -> immediate" so that it send you a mail as soon as someone posts something on this thread. switch on mate
  11. has someone put "imediate notification" on tut tut think i may paint the springer at the weekend mate, see how it looks. oh and i finally figured out how you get reputation on here!!! it's the thumb on the bottom left of the posts. start cliclking buddy!!!
  12. sweet post mate awsome walkthrough! you have far too much time on ya hands lol we'll have to compare at the weekend and see how much more silent it is, if its good i'll follow suit see ya at the weekend buddy
  13. is thinking a stock modification is in order

  14. cheers mate i agree, i think the cold must be having some affect. summer needs to hurry up!!!
  15. hey all, me and my mate had a really good two days. we decided to go for a lamping session on our smaller permission on sunday night. we split up and took different areas of the permission and set off on our way. within 5 minutes i had seen my first bunny hopping along the field for a tree line. i took my shot as it stopped... and missed (heavy breathing up hill) however, i knew where the bunny had hid and i ran towards it. soon enough i was pretty much meters away from the bunnny (it was hid on the oposit side of a field plower and out of sight, oh and a fence was in the way.) i could
  16. hey mate nice tent, not so subtle though i wouldnt suggest going out hunting for rabbits in the day time. me and my mate have 2 permissions and have yet to see one in the day! rabbits , in winter anyway, tend to be out from dusk to dawn. we go lamping at weekends. we tend to see around 8-15 rabbits a session. you'll soon scope out the rabbit hot spots. you'll find it much easier than sitting there all day. hope this helped a little
  17. hey all, i have been wondering if there is a professional business in the uk who costomise air rifles to your request, including dipping the rifle, maybe even altering the stock? i have looked on the internet and could only find hydrographics (which looks good but doesnt really give you much information.) can anyone help? cheers
  18. cheers for all the great reply's lads its been amazing reading through all your stories. i take my hat off to you all
  19. hi mate. sorry to hear about what happened. i completely agree with what Markha said mate. my uncle is chief constable in the police, i gave him a call out of curiosity and it is possible to track the e-mail adress and ip adress. they'll soon get him next time his ip addy pops up on the map. i would definatly goive your local cop shop a call mate.
  20. i turned up for work today, and being a wednesday, its army sports day. the normal tradition is to fall out at 12 and take the afternoon doing "fitness" aka sleeping. however out battalion has got their arse in gear and have sorted out a load of activities that will now happen every wednesday. one of which was, clay pigeon shooting and hunting. so now i wont have to wait until the weekend! they're saying in a couple of weeks, we'll be going up to scotland to do some hunting for deers... i'm still a bit skeptical if this will happen but i have my hopes
  21. looks good mate! you going to cam up the rest of it too? atb. alex
  22. 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery mate in Germany. Best of luck on the cadre pal. Si cheers mate
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