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Alex Arrigone

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Everything posted by Alex Arrigone

  1. hey mate, i'd gladly say yes if our farms weren't so strick about people . best place to learn is by asking questions on here. i learnt most of the trick of the trade from people on here! best place. althought trial and error also play a big factor in the learning curb. atb alex
  2. NBC suit? not the most comfortable of outfits! bet thats itchy ! nice shoot mate! atb alex
  3. personal record beat! :)

  4. hi all, i went to our main rabbit permission today for an afternoon shoot. i arrived about 12 and started walking around. i had seen a number of rabbits however i didnt manage a shot. after 20 minutes of walking round i got to a hot spot and saw a rabbit's ears in the annoyingly long grass. it was a 50 m shot however it was quite windy and the pellet missed. the rabbit got spooked and ran towards me. i'd tried to get this rabbit on the previous day with no luck and i knew where it was running to. as the rabbit was running towards a hedge line, i ran towrds it, to block its route. the rab
  5. heres some of the photo's ive took of the days action hope you like it. atb. alex
  6. hey lads, thanks for all the nice and supportive comments. definately feel a lot better now. thank you. what goes around comes around. i'm sure karma will get them back soon enough. atb. alex.
  7. for a distance of 20 meters it shouldn't matter too much on the accuracy of the pellet so i'd go for a hollow point for maximum drop power. however there will always be the moment you'll want to take a longer shot or a more complicated one and you will need accurate pellets such as Air Arms diablo's, baracuda's.... they do the job perfectly and are accurate as hell! hope this helps atb alex.
  8. oi scott, stop using my post as advertisement for the one your writing haha! atb
  9. not our best hunt by far however was still and amazing day, and turns out the accidental tan was pretty good too! we set off for our pigeon permission at about 1 pm, getting there for half past. after yesterdays 15 kills there wasnt much activity althoug i dropped 2 pigeons in the fist 20 min. after about an hour of unsucessful hunting we decided to head for our rabbit permission via maccies!. on arrival we saw a rabbit and scott jumped out and shot it! perfect shot! once again there was a lot of activity on the farm and the rabbits were far and few between. we had a few encount
  10. hi all, this post is about the most shocking and upsetting thing i have ever heard! ok, so me and scott were on out new pigeon permission which is at a stable. the owner told us he expected some negative rections but to take no notice of it. we understood and found that most people were happy for us to be there. it was going well and we were getting possitive rections. then out of the blue, a woman walked up to us and decided to put her pennies worth in. the conversation went like this: her - i just wanted to say that you two are decusting human beings, your pathetic for killing
  11. thanks for all the advise. i think the s410 will do for now but its going to be my next gun i think atb
  12. hi all. i have an air arms s410. its an amazing weapon and i love it. i'm at the early stages of wanting to buy a daystate airwolf tactical. i love the weapon shape and style and the on board computer looks pretty awesome. the reason im writing this post is i wanted advice and opinions about it as it is a lot of money to pull out of not so deep pockets! cheers atb . alex
  13. in future mate we should use the dead animals as well as decoys to mix them up a bit! mucho love
  14. mentally imature + weapon = front page news. people should think before they act!
  15. eye relief varies from person to person and on the type of scope as well. i would adjust the eye relief of your scope to what is correct and confortable to you. i dont know the reason behind why it varies from person to person though. hope this helps a bit. atb. alex
  16. ask the land owner. turn up and let him know that you have seen rabbits on his farm and that you cann reduce the damage and rabbit population in a professional manner. tends to work for us.
  17. hey all, just thought i'd put some photos up of some hunts over the last few months. feel free to add your own too! hoped you like them! atb alex
  18. will do it either tonight or tomoz mate. why does he want that anyway? funny guy
  19. now now scott, pick ya dummy up or you'll be picking your teeth up haha! jokes mate i'll be out this weekend mate. promise mucho love!
  20. And then lads. A few hours later he tells me he got to go and see her now! Cheers mate Cough. WHIPPED. cough See u next weekend with our new permission that I just got us, not u ME! Haha haha well scotty unless you come round mine at night and jump in bed with me i will have to make the effort with her too so until that day scotty haha! atb bud see ya next weekend and well done on getting us another permission
  21. hey all, ok so after recaving an iphone to the face at high speed and a bit of an arguement with the girl friend my time table had well and truly free'd up. i called my hunting buddy scott. within a few minutes we were gear'd up and good to go for an all day shoot. we set off to the permission, via a flower shop and my girl friends house. after i dropped off the flowers we set off again. arriving at the permission, we found that there was a lot of building work getting done. the rabbits we're playing ball. but we headed on out way to the usual hot spots reguardless. i jumped a fence
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