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Alex Arrigone

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Everything posted by Alex Arrigone

  1. i completely understand pipa. i wasnt taking a side in the matter as it doesnt involve me. i didnt say he isnt scamming people nor did i say he was. if he was putting up a post advertising him selling an item i would completely understand your reaction. i only stated that it had nothing to do with the post. i think i worded my last post wrong, my apology i take it you were scammed by him then? atb alex
  2. hey mate bad luck, that news sucks! i dont know how long it will take to get rid of. but one of our farms which was full of rabbits got minxy and its now got no rabbits im guessing it could take up to a couple of years to repopulate the farm depending on neighbouring field's atb alex
  3. tad bit harsh considering the post had nothing to do with anything that happened in the past glad to see you back out hunting mate atb alex
  4. nice shooting mate. personally i dont think i have it in me to shoot kits though! far too cute and ablivious to the world. when me and scott went lamping the other night one was that oblivious that we managed to pick him up. atb alex
  5. Thanks for getting back to me Alex, what does 4 milldots equate to in inches. sorry mate, didnt quite understand the question. i wouldnt know, i just work off what each mildot represents in distance depending on my zero range and then depending on the ground, angle and wind i just adjust from there. hope this helps a little atb alex
  6. quality video mate funny and helpful! will give it a try now mate atb alex
  7. possibly could be resting your stance whilst reloading instead of keeping the rifle in the firing position. when i do groupings by the last round it does have a little strain on the firing position. might be completely wrong but there's what i think it could be atb alex
  8. Back to the original question Alex, how much hold over do you have at 65 meters? just over 4 mildots mate. atb alex
  9. hey mole, i would get a chronograph mate. we have got one and its worth it. its only about £30 too atb alex
  10. couldnt see it either mate. says the video has been removed. atb alex
  11. cheers for the supportive comments was a long night but a massive reward for us atb alex
  12. what an odd atricle the person who thought that sport up and rained those rabbits must have had a lot of free time atb alex
  13. nice rifle mate and squirrel
  14. Is it .177 or .22? 177. mate. i dont think id have the skills to do it with a 22. atb alex
  15. good shot mate spa from me atb alex
  16. hi all, me and scott have been talking about having an all night lamp session for a few months and we finally got round to doing it last night. we started off at one of our local pigeon permissions at 6 pm as the pigeons were all coming back in to the area. we managed to bag 5, pretty good start to the hunt! at about 8 pm we deciced to head up to the rabbit permission via tesco to get batteies and supplies. we got there for last light and cracked on. as we jumped the fence onto the permission,we flashed out torches on and we both spotted a rabbit each. we both lay down
  17. hey. yes its a under 12 ft pds rifle. me and my mate do a lot of target practising at long ranges so we've become quite good at it. atb alex
  18. hi all, well me and scott decided to head out on an afternoon shoot on our local rabbit permission. there were a fair fiew rabbits out so we got cracking. i started to wonder about to the local hotspots when i saw a rabbit, i range found it and it read 65meters. i had just check zeroed and felt confident i would hit the rabbit so i decided to take the shot (there was a bush in the way that stopped me getting closer). i pulled the trigger and half a second later the rabbbit dropped i chucked it into the bag and cracked on. a few minutes later i poked my head round a corner a
  19. me and my mate have tried this too and have come up with the same result as you. they dont seem to come. strange i personally think it might just take them a very long to eying the food up before swooping down. im probably completely wrong but cant really think of why it wouldnt work. atb mate
  20. hey, i looked at doing the same a few months back mate, i found the design i wanted and the camo paint i wanted. it was a tactical skeletonised stock with adjustable but and shoulder pads. looked the part anyway, one i sent my details off and got a quote it came up to about £500 for the complete job. nice, but it pretty much cost the same as my AA s410 so i not to get it. would rather invest in something like night vision atb alex
  21. good shooting mate! lucky shot atb alex
  22. hey mate i have always found that it can be a touchy subject shooting birds in your back garden. i did it for about a week and found that my neighbours we'rnt too impressed so i stopped. you dont want people causing you problems so close to home. i tend to just to the occational check zero now. i'd say ,unless you dont have neighbours , back yerd shooting is a no go. atb alex
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