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Everything posted by JRTMAD2k10

  1. go ahead and post a pic of your own
  2. sorry to here bout you losing a dog good luck with the pup alb JRT
  3. hey how much do you get here in northern ireland for you rbbits and do you gut and skin them for that price thanks alb JRT
  4. Just looked at it again mate shape and head not to bad think its the ears as has been said its not the looks as long as your happy thats all that matters im well happy with him lol i must see something else in him So u shuld be if he dose everything u want looks mean fook all mate he got a good head and looks like a strong russle all the best with him like the man said he might grow in to the ears but who cares I got a dog for 50 quid buck teet bandy legs but he's a grafter and that's watt counts cheers mate
  5. couple weeks ago mate tell me if all goes well tomorro
  6. river qoule or sumfin you call it bout 30 40 min from newtownards there is pike rudd roach and perch i think a man said there was bream aswell good luck if you find anywhere thats nah frozen will you tell me thanks
  7. yes you do need a license and need to be 18 before you can hold a license for any firearm. you could possiablly get your dad to get an air rifle and shoot alongside him. so if im wth my dad or granda who have a licence i can shoot with them???
  8. Just looked at it again mate shape and head not to bad think its the ears as has been said its not the looks as long as your happy thats all that matters im well happy with him lol i must see something else in him your own reply says it all pal and as chris 71 says, if your happy with him thats all that matters, atb with him, true thanks
  9. i have one jack russell in a night and have to hover for ages next day to get all hairs
  10. lets see a pic of yours post a pic
  11. thanks mate nice bitch you got there thanks mate my first proper dog not family dog just mine so i am very proud of everything she does well this is my first own dog everyother dog ive had is family
  12. post a pic of your dog if you want
  13. thanks mate nice bitch you got there
  14. Just looked at it again mate shape and head not to bad think its the ears as has been said its not the looks as long as your happy thats all that matters im well happy with him lol i must see something else in him
  15. i like the look of him that one of the reasons i picked him nah really into the rough coated ones hope he a good worker lol
  16. ok is that the rough coated one ?? and thanks alb
  17. im 13 and was wondering can i go shooting with a air rifel .22 do i need a license or anything
  18. and why is he not your cup of tea
  19. just wondering what is your cup of tea just curious everyone is entitled for there own opinion
  20. my jack russell is 8months old he is outside from 7 in the morn til 10 at night am i being to soft letting him sleep inside at night or is this the best thing to do and where does your dog sleep inside or out??
  21. ok mate at least your honest am just ratting then see where it goes from there
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