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Everything posted by kps1979

  1. I know we're in the lurcher section, so technically "rabbit specialist" should probably mean a dog that catches rabbits, but i think anything that's runner x base blood that puts rabbits in the bag one way or another qualifies for the name? My little bitch had 8 rabbits in about 6 mooches over a couple of weeks last year, i was over the moon with that, i suppose its all relative to what floats your boat, if that makes sense? Here's my other girl picking one up.
  2. This little lass could of been a specialist rabbit dog, all she's missing is 10" of height, more stamina, and bit of recall, other than that she does ok! At least she retrieves rabbits so that's a start!
  3. There getting plenty of food into them! 5 weeks old this Monday
  4. Few up to date pics. [/http://s931.photobucket.com/user/kps1/media/BDE71E79-0D55-4560-9848-B972820DDE50_zpsyobzo46y.jpg.html]p://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad160/kps1/269EDEED-C328-43C7-8DF5-7268B679FB07_zpscypqqqc8.jpg' alt='269EDEED-C328-43C7-8DF5-7268B679FB07_zpscypqqqc8.jpg'>[url=http://s931.photobucket.com/user/kps1/media/96CD6527-D606-40C8-83B4-16AB5F0F01C4_zpsxhobc9vy.jpg.html]
  5. Ah this must be miley... I've heard she's a very good bitch,There's a strong fawn bitch in my litter that might turn out like her,
  6. Yes I can but all rabbits look alike dont they?Y.I.S Leeview That stuffed rabbit Craig's got makes a regular appearance in his pictures... Almost looks real!
  7. ha I know breeze thought I'd put pic of her up she was some dog!
  8. Just found a decent pic of the sire to my pups so thought I'd share.
  9. cheers mate, yeah should do ok! hope uncle banjo will be teaching one of the pups a few tricks when you go out..
  10. I've kept 2 bitches to choose from breeze but now looking at another bitch and a dogs taking my fancy too... :-) decisions decisions!! Yeah just seen it, both dogs are in great condition and look like there doing very well,
  11. Looks like it was a good day.. Dogs look in great shape.
  12. There's two dogs that have really thick coats, look like fat teddy bears!
  13. Also the guy who owns the sire has a 3/4 whippet 1/4 Russell he's a cracking dog, mental but in a good way!
  14. Brother and sister out of my border bitch and a friends whippet dog, just over a year old and doing ok up to now!
  15. well.... At the minute yes but also thinking about a fawn bitch who's a chunky little sod, ive a few weeks to decide yet!
  16. There 3 weeks old tomorrow from a litter of 9 I have 2 bitches and 1 dog spare at the moment and just waiting to hear back from someone about taking a bitch so might be one of each left
  17. Few pics of the pups now, eyes are open and they are on there feet.
  18. you still having the 6 pups lyno? There coat will make a lovely purse..
  19. you will have to ask your daddy if your allowed a puppy maybe it can be a early Christmas present from him...
  20. Yeah he's ended up a nice size and shape, good little dog
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