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Everything posted by kps1979

  1. Pups ready to go now, certainly not easy to get a good pic!
  2. Just had a litter of 9 pups declawed recently cost £ as said above its certainly better to do as pups.. In my case they were 2 days old!
  3. Yep that's her mate, It's either this bitch or the fawn for me..
  4. She is a cracker breeze, nice thick coat and good feet. Might keep her now!
  5. Have you one of breeze's pups? Yeah both parents Are good honest dogs and work well
  6. I know... maybe no one wants well bred lurchers without bull and saluki in them these days! Lol
  7. Due to a change, I now have this dog pup available.
  8. http://www.wildlife-through-the-lens.co.uk/blog/?page_id=76
  9. Few pics of parents in action here: http://www.wildlife-through-the-lens.co.uk/blog/
  10. She looks a nice type, hope she finds a good home.
  11. what% collie dog pal what% collie dog palnot really sure to be honest, both parents have collie, grey, deerhound and whippet in them, so guess there just lurcher X lurchers I might be wrong or getting mixed up here kps, but is there bedlington in the dam? nope your right, about 1/8th id say,
  12. no problems.. I'll put my best suit of armour on then!
  13. that's gotta be your farther! you should get daddy or your sister it for Christmas,
  14. Cheers breeze! You should be familiar with the sire.. I've still a soft spot for this fawn bitch myself,
  15. thanks, I'm happy how they have turned out upto now, nice strong pups.
  16. Now advertised the spare dog and fawn bitch, finally think I've made up my mind!
  17. My bitch Jess had 9 pups 6 weeks ago, 5 bitches and 4 dogs, out of this litter I have 1 fawn bitch and 1 fawn/red rough coated dog for sale, My Bitch is a mix of collie grey, deerhound grey with small amount of beddy in her, she's very bright dog, catches well, retrieves, jumps,marks, and has great nature, The sire Todd is owned by a friend, again he is a mix of collie, grey, deerhound and whippet, Todds bred from a line of lurchers the owners owned for some 30+ years, he does everything needed from him, and is used on shoots as a gun dog, A few people on here own dogs sired by To
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