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Everything posted by kps1979

  1. a friend of mine has a good border dog, he's lined my border x patterdale whos 6 weeks pregnant now, both dogs are only used on rabbits/ ferreting and flushing for lurchers, he has used him as a stud before, hes got papers too. if you want contact details just pm me, cheers! ps.. we are redcar area so not far from you,
  2. thanks mate, i hope to be out mid week, hope your days goes well, cheers
  3. had a few hours out with the dogs and my young ferrets, only second time out ferreting, dogs seemed to enjoy themselves as i did too, cheers, and a pic of what they do best...
  4. id be up for a day out sometime, im not to far from malton!
  5. just watched a dvd now that has a jack russel x whippet called brin.. looks a real handy dog,
  6. yeah thats right, i think it helped that i had bought a new collar that day too! i told them i needed it asap as im going away... im happy with the service deben give me, maybe i caught them on a good day!
  7. hi sam, i got the finder and collar off a friend, i never had reciept, spoke to a guy from deben and said it wasn't very old told me to send it back which i did and they sent me a new one out!! guess they realise its a faulty product
  8. i sent my faulty collar to deben yesterday it would not turn on or off, phoned today and they have sent a brand new one out! ring deben and ask to speak to service guys!
  9. yep on marske! i live about 2 min walk from there,
  10. double ferret box bow backed made from exterior plywood, i made this one for myself but i decided to sell this one now, its 19.5 inch long x 9 wide x 9 high, used once, i have made a lot of boxes and sold a few on here, pm for details thanks, £20 plus 8 p&p
  11. i would say hardwood shavings would be more harmful than softwood shaving, timbers such as oak and ash when sanded can cause breathing problems in people, i would stick to softwood shavings!
  12. thanks for the offer of the keyfob magnet, ive got one that come in the box, but thanks for the offer! ill ring deben in morning and ask about the coller switch, like i say it works ok just have to drop batterys out to turn off, the guys used it once or twice its like new, i got it for £50 as he said he cant work the mk3 out so sticking with his mk1
  13. thanks for replys,the batterys are brand new today so there fine, ill have a practice with the magnet but up to now it seems the magnetic on/off switch in the coller seems to be faulty, the guy who i got it off only used it a few times but hes oldschool and prefers his mk1 so i got a bargain anyway!!
  14. hi, ive just got myself a mk3m ferret finder off a friend, the box works fine, it has one coller with it that is suppose to be switched on/off with the magnetic end of the finder, im having trouble turning it on and off has anyone else had problems? is it a common fault? it works ok if i leave it turned on and just remove the battieries which i will be doing! im planning on getting another coller is there a good place to buy these too? thanks kevyn
  15. ive a border patterdale, soft as hell around people and other dogs but fantastic bushing dog and shes had a good few rabbits doing so, great ferreting dog too,
  16. skycat did i read on here you have a terrier whippet? if so is the dog handy? just doing my homework on that cross before i try get her lined thanks
  17. shes 3 now, im going to breed her hopefully to a friends whippet, would be a good dog for where i go, lots of bushing and short runs, and for a ferretting dog too
  18. hi, just a question, ive got a border/patterdale bitch whos in season, shes trying to hump my lurcher bitch! which is quite funny but why do bitches do this? sorry if its in wrong section, cheers
  19. bang on darbo.. my terrier does the moonwalk in the back of van on way home after shes been in nettles!
  20. im thinking about lining my border x patterdale with a friends whippet, think shes coming into season now, would be ideal for where i go, the terrier gets a few rabbits anyway so this cross might catch a few bolters maybe!
  21. ive got a border x patterdale shes two and a half now, she looks the spit of a border, although i only use her for bushing, etc she never stops and is as game as hell, i hope to get a pup one day from her from a friends border dog, i guess not a true working terrier but a great help for my lurcher!
  22. i know about the farther of the pup, and if it turns out like him your on to a winner! all the best and enjoy your pup!
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