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Everything posted by kps1979

  1. heres a pic of my new pup, 11 weeks old, and a little sod!
  2. funny you should mention those plarstering courses, i put a huge stud wall up in a factory and the guy who come to skim it had just been on a course, he was a car salesmen for most of his life, it was about 6 meters high by 20 long, he came with a few buckets a new cheap float, needless to say it was a shocking job! and you have never seen mess like it.. lol, he wanted to get insurance work so he could put a high price in for the work and give the homeowner a cash back deal so he gets the work!! thats a true car salesmen right there!!
  3. well this year i will of been in the joinery trade for 18 years! starting my apprentiship at 16 and ill be 34 next month, during this time ive worked all over the uk, shopfitting, doing restaurants out, hotels etc etc, anyway not once have i been asked if i can prove im a time served joiner! as other guys in the building trade will no doubt know, its on its arse at the moment, my last job away was on kings cross station fitting a restaurant out on the new extension that was getting built, in the canteen there must of been 200 people and if 25 were from this country id be very surprised, th
  4. agree with downsouth, blocks laid flat makes a good solid wall,
  5. kps1979


    is it amir khan holding the dog? where i walk my dogs a staffie got hold of my lurcher, lucky she had a wide coller on so did no damage, nothing against staffie type dogs, its the owners who dont socialise the dogs and think ok to walk them once a week for 20 minutes,
  6. fair play to both of you in the ring, my mate and his dad are boxing coach's and ive been to watch a few of there lads fight, what gets me angry is theres always some lard arse in the croud who seems to know more about boxing than the lads in the ring.. lol
  7. ive got my dogs on minced up beef and chicken, and skinners field and trail, they have put on alot of muscle mass since i found out about the raw meat,
  8. i had a slow starter, just keep getting it out where there is plenty of gear and watching experienced dogs, the penny will drop in the end, i know its frustrating watching other dogs working away and yours is stood next to you not bothered about whats going on, my bitch was like that for what seemed a lifetime, but she is catching plenty now so im happy,
  9. skinners field and trail is a good one ive found.
  10. i think some people expect there dogs to be catching stuff from a very young age, i was one of these people, i remember being out with my friend and dogs, his were working away great and my bitch was stood right next to me and wouldn't leave my side, she was like this for what seemed ages, then she got to around 2 and something just clicked, now shes not the best dog in the world but not much gets away from her, and i would never go hungry, i guess somedogs just need time to mature and find there feet,,
  11. i imagine there are lots of lurchers out there that have a bit of collie greyhound in them from hancocks, i own a deerhound collie greyhound, the collie in her is out of a hancock dog somewhere down the line, i know a guy who has collie based lurchers, there were out of romulus? (spelling may be wrong but someone will correct me) now in my eyes his dogs are fantastic, they get out and see stuff nearly everyday, i think half the people who slag hancock dogs off dont have any first hand experience of them, and just read whats posted on the internet and believe it to be true,
  12. nice pup! ive got a 10 week old pup bred the same way,
  13. kps1979


    milwaukee tools are ok, ive had a cordeless sds drill by them, my dads just got a cordless drill driver, nice and light plenty of power. ive got a makita 18 volt lithium kit, ive had it at least 4 years and used it nearly every day, sometimes for 12/14 hrs a day and the batterys are still going strong! ive got a festool plunge saw and jigsaw, i wouldn't be without it now great bit of kit.
  14. kps1979


    ive found makita to be the better out the two, ive got a fair amount of makita stuff, and dewalt, and wont be buying any dewalt in the future!
  15. The blue bitch is just Collie greyhound for around 10 generation's, alot of David James blood in there. I can trace the breeding back for a fair few year's . The fawn dog is from a line of dog's that a mate has kept going since the late 70's. . early 80's, there was Deerhound in them in the early day's before alot of Collie grey wa
  16. Good result there tomo, id be happy if mine got that amount in a season,
  17. She is looking good mate Wish her litter brot her was as laid back! Mine matured quite quickly certainly compared to my dh/gh, still need to get round to organising a night out mate yeah we need a night out lamping sooner rather than later, see how jess and her brother get along!
  18. few pics of my bitch jess, shes the litter sister to lapin2008,s dog, shes dh/gh/collie/bed/whippet, and quite possibly the most laid back dog ever, very good to own but i noticed she took a long time to mature, i hope to get a pup out of her in a few years or so, cheers
  19. my bitch can jump when needed but would rather go under fences or gates!
  20. very nice set up there! ill be building myself new kennels soon and like the idea of having sink etc in there, good job..
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