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About samuria

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 12/01/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    norwich norfolk
  • Interests
    old landrovers and morris minors.
    my ferrets

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  1. what happen to the junior service? i joined at 16. 2yrs a junior then moved to the regulars at 18.!!!
  2. what a great thread. photos are full of history, keep them coming guys.
  3. just heard on my local radio that one of the rescue centers has been swamped by surrendered dogs. would not say how many but said have had to ask around other rescues..... so dogs suffer again...........
  4. nice it all ended well. on her favorite seat???
  5. bet that brought a lump to your throat and a big smile all round.....nice one
  6. i bought some from a lad darren (monkey) is his username..
  7. mine wont eat the dry food... anything i could add to help make it more appealing???
  8. samuria

    No escape.

    bloody brilliant .......
  9. that's a great first photo, sad when we lose are best friend.. may her memories live on. r.i.p. honey
  10. that sounds great... would have liked to see him work....
  11. sad to hear that... he looks a cracking dog, and still young.
  12. sorry lads its a lie.... its just one of those old poachers tales
  13. sounds about right... still all part of a nice morning out. rabbit for dinner as well great...
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