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heart of wales

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Everything posted by heart of wales

  1. Started taking my Grandson Theo with me doing my pestie work he loves it and is showing a lot of promise. Seems like only yesterday I was going with My Grandad time flies
  2. You lucky b*****d My hero followed him and seen most of his fights,read his autobiography and he said he used to go ferreting as a kid,he has just gone up in my books.
  3. HD is more of a problem with the British show bred rubbish, breed average is 19, I have a dog from Belgium imports that is a 4. Have to agree with Simoman in that Majority of GSD that suffer from Hip Displacia or Health problems are mostly show stock, i.e larched, or sloping back,slight frame,short coated black & tan. My own Gsd are all heavily boned,flat backed,long coated,will not back down from no one,Grand parents are all German lines It would probably be difficult to see what GSD made the make up of the Lurcher that is for sale,as has also been said there is a lot of shit GS
  4. Biggest load of Bullshit I have ever heard about white dogs being seen by gamekeepers and landowners as the other reply mentioned,You would see a million candle lamp first. The only problem I used to have with mine was carrying his caught quarry back to the truck awesome would have been a word to describe him. A Judge once said to me outstanding looking dog and he should win the show, But he is white,I asked what difference does that make he said,gamekeepers could easily see him I said what gamekeepers are looking now :realmad: CCI12022009_00000.bmp Never pick a pup by th
  5. I am currently with the help of others Training up three pups all for different purposes whilst walking back today after a successfull session with one of them I was thinking back to probably the greatest dog I have ever owned a many others have remarked they had ever seen. Why was this Dog so good what do you think makes the difference ????CCI12022009_00000.bmp
  6. Have to agree to much bad rubbish being bred and bred on again hoping to breed the rubbish out but breeding shit back in all the time
  7. White Moles Bad luck superstisious nonsense What does Your missus look like How many traps have you got how much do you want for them
  8. We have a Beagle pack on one of our farms exellent great to watch,we also have a rabbit hunt at the game fair in August with Nick Valentines pack they caught nine rabbits in 2007 they didnt go last Year Nick was injured He is all up for coming again this Year he even sent me a Christmas card. We also have a Hound show on the Saturday but it is very difficult to get Beagles there we put a good trophy on if anyone is intrested.CCI25022009_00000.bmp
  9. Heart of Wales Game and Country Fair August 22nd 23rd www.penmaenauevents.co.uk
  10. Fantastic photos thanks for sharing Makes you feel sick and very angry :realmad: that a fantastic family event like that could be ended by some suit in London
  11. Rolfe seen similar droppings to this about Two months ago around a garden and fish pond,it turned out to be mink eating dog food.
  12. Cracking mincer that I have a bomb one cost me £100 best money ever spent My dogs have our pub leftovers which consists of vegatables raw sausage cooked tuna ham turkey peppers bread all chucked in and they dont leave a scrap they also have fresh flesh from the butchers and plenty of bones and any lambs that die I skin and gut them and they get them to.
  13. dem are nice beddys! any pics off the pup? what age is she now? ADAM Thanks for that Adam she would be about six months now Jinx killing her first rat
  14. One Nights catch with him He would also take Hare fox and deer Died at three tore his back leg ligaments running a hare Bad Memory All the pups turned out well with blistering pace and courage like their father My mate had a bitch it was never beaten racing in any show
  15. Fantastic good story, did the pups turn out to be any good or not,
  16. She has a great nature temprement but by f|"""k she can be a nasty little so and so she killed her first adult rat before she turned six months and is starting to hunt out in the field will tahe some photos if I can get her to stand still.
  17. As promised here is a picture of the parents of Rab my beddlington dog I bought from John Hamilton from Dundee,these were some tools seen them working before I bought Rab,we had the warmest of welcomes and a cracking Scottish breakfast before setting out,for a real good day,when we come back I snatched the pup of him a bit rapid in case he changed his mind,and what a dog he turned out to be.CCI12022009_00003.bmp
  18. One of the best memories I have is of my Lurcher Scooby fenomenal would be a huge understatement,we had looked for a bitch for him to cover for ages he was that well reguarded by everyone ho seen him work that all his pups were booked well in advance,done a rat job for a mate of a mate,cracking greyhound kennels overflowing with top class greyhounds he had lost two to leptospirosis before he had contacted me anyway cut a long story short sorted his rat problem out,and we struck a deal any of his good bitches finish on the track,I could have the use of her for a litter.Three months later arrive
  19. Have to agree and more until a dog is at leastFour and has had three good seasons how will you know if it has any faults,or weaknesses prone to injury so on and so on,Same as a bitch for breeding.
  20. Hats of to him catching rats with bare hands and feet But he would never win a digging competition would he
  21. Hmm Ok here we go A customer of mine has recently gone into free range hens simular set however much bigger than the one there 18,000 chickens to be precise,His sheds and wire fencing was set up by people who have been doing it for Years,he has electric fencing surrounding all the chicken runs,they get fed on a bell system where the bell rings and all the chickens come running in for their food and then the doors close behind them auomatically they are in for the night,when they are learning about this some naively stay out,during the heavy rain we had soil was washed away under the wire fen
  22. Some people dont deserve to keep cockroaches let alone dogs ,you have done well to rear him by the sounds,well done
  23. My Beddlington beardie and Gsd pups all under six months are currently jumping a three foot obstacle to my mincing flesh room and what awaits them is a dish of beef mince o_0027.jpg]
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