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heart of wales

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Everything posted by heart of wales

  1. Lasper knows his onions ( and his dogs), good choice of judge All the best with the show Heart of Walesl, I hope to be there myself. ATB WAB You obviously know your dog men as well as your dogs,been out with him many a time he lives for it,good bloke,look forward to seeing you,bring suntan cream and bermudas,boiling here today.
  2. Aaron All received todayand they look stunning many thanks
  3. Hi it is Five minutes, a team of Two, 45 Gallon drum £100 prize money each contestant gets a free pint and tshirt It will be in the main ring Halfway through the terrier show on Sunday
  4. In the Bar Saturday night there will be a local group call mimesis and DJ halfway through the night there will be The Horn Blowing Competition with A horn to be won for the best male Lady and Youngster,The Punchbag competion will end at Midnight.
  5. Good luck Fell Type I know You put a lot of effort into this show wish I could come just to close to ours,Hope the sun is shinning and the beer is a flowing
  6. Big thank You to Strong Stuff unique collars and well before the order time collars fit for a Champion
  7. thanks for that ,see your guys that the show Look forward to meeting everyone old friends and new
  8. It use to be the Game fair moved around a bit from one place to another hell of a good show Went to it about two years ago Terriers and Lurchers were stuffed in a far corner lot of people complaining about the T & L show Pity really Dont know what it is like now
  9. Deerman my money is on You however there are some strong contenders
  10. Just arrived by popular request there will be a boxing machine in the bar Saturday night highest score wins this cracking trophy
  11. All signed The sooner they get shot of these the better Defra should take a long hard look at themselves for licensing these torture tools,and the joke about not using them if the burrow is occupied ,who would go out and buy one of these,drive to the first call to try and make their money back,check the burrow ?????? is not occupied find it is and walk away,sorry Mr customer cant do the job today the rabbit is home.Blow it up and hope they get away with it more like. :realmad: :realmad: Rspca to busy going around bothering decent people who know what they are doing ,why dont they go out
  12. Just Confirmed to add with the other attractions Coracle and Long bow maker Hope we dont need the coracles
  13. One of the biggest causes of failure in Bed bug treatments and reasons for revisits re infestations is lack of understanding of where these little b*****ds can hide,check everywhere,then check again have found them in bedside phones, wallpaper,plug sockets,My favourite insect enemy.
  14. Gutted for the organisers they work really hard at making that a cracking show,a bitch of a place if the weather is bad.
  15. Make sure to bring plenty of sun tan oil as normal it is boiling in Builth today Iam in my bermudas typing this think i will go and get another cold tinnie
  16. To me that is what I would call racing not coursing ??? there wasnt a bend in the course,they might have been a bit more interested if the lure was a bit more appealing and closer to them. I have seen Deerhounds coursing hares pre ban,and they were totally different to them,well keyed up.
  17. Just done a allotment where the soil is easily collasped, found the runs which kept collapsing managed to scrape out just enough to get the talpex in and the back filled he was there the next morning
  18. How is the Main man gutted I had to send back the Parrot and the Eye patch
  19. This and other prizes will be awarded to the champion bedlington Terrier Done by Jane Robinson
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