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Everything posted by chilly

  1. busy week then midnight got your hands full mate . lurche yours is wrong mate you want .com like me look bellow , dont now how you managed that
  2. try this mate http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/29chilly29/bannerfans_5392253.jpg
  3. just tried it with the link and it worked , just load in like a normal pic
  4. Go to , my settings , then signature , and put the link in the image loader and save
  5. hows that for advertising lol post this link in your signatures on other forums . http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/29chilly29/bannerfans_5392253.jpg
  6. good idea that and put loads of pics up of all your past made knives , any one with some more computer skills than me make a sig banner ? 'proud owner off .... etc , contact at ...etc and a nice pic bet strong stuff could give you some tips on getting your name and products out there
  7. how are your computer skills mate ? if you could get a web site up and running and advertise it at every turn and chance , also if you could get some small posters made up and send them with every sold knife and ask that they are placed up some where suitable ? just thinking out loud here so please feel free to shoot me down in flames lol do you advertise on any other hunting , bush craft etc web sites ? could get a little sig banner made and ask the members who purchased from you to use it on other forums and display it to all
  8. he is good mate has never hurt me , yet anyway lol
  9. love this little fella a real character
  10. i heard that tickling its testicles is they best way lab , could even make a friend for life lol
  11. yea one of the keepers did say they having a bit of trouble with the rabbits , was music to my ears lol they said they have people shooting there so i have to phone in advance to make sure there no shooters out , but no mention of people ferreting so im hoping the warrens are untouched , the bloke in work is still gona get a good pestering lol
  12. started looking for some ferreting permission over the past week , have been to 2 local golf courses and have had permision on both so vary happy with that , when i was leaving the second one driving out there is farm fields just out side , and the bunnys were jumping around in the field with not a care in the world lol had a drive around and the gates to the farm were closed a long drive to the house and sighn saying private property , dogs running free etc , and the family name ,so i decided not to let my self in lol i have since found out that the farmers son works for the same company
  13. chilly


    as every thing mate many ways to go about things , and your right mate many methods and mountains of equipment , some people make a chemistry and biology project of it , i preferred a simpler more natural approach , didnt do to bad either no disasters , maintained good healthy tank with good growth and life , still a little demanding and costly tho lol
  14. chilly


    millet is right but there are many ways to go about setting up the nitrogen cycle and this can be speeded up with the use of live rock , live sand , crud and crap from other peoples tanks etc
  15. mine have chudleys dry ferret food get it in a big sack , also feed flesh , and a raw egg now and then
  16. that is my hope mate , she is a good dog still young and inexperienced but showing promise , and this young hob i have hopes for , he is such a little character and the tamest i have ever had has been a pleasure to own so far , just need to put the practice their way so they can learn and hopefully do well . he is going in for a vasectomy in the next couple off weeks so he can then go in with the jills hate keeping him on his own , will get a pic of him tomoro turning into a bit of a lump now lol
  17. yea i intend to mate , only entered the 2 ferrets today in some small warrens , will have to go pick one up soon
  18. hi all , went out with the ferrets for a few hours today , it was just a training exercise really lol , have started the task of finding my own permission and got some last week on a golf course that i ferreted when vary young , so the plan was to just have a couple hours out to start teaching my young hob the ropes , and the same my lurcher as this is going to be her first proper season . all went reasonable well , considering the cover is still really thick , i found a couple of warrens but did do alot of walking around , plan to return there when the cover has died back abit with just t
  19. just out of curiosity how did she manage to get in that position
  20. id be interested to see what you got on the cheaper side mate , just something reasonable small to pocket when out for the bunnies
  21. nice looking dog that mate , my bitch had her first squirl this week , the little fecker latched onto her face lol
  22. thought i would quota him for you lol lol
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