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Everything posted by 19powell90

  1. Yes IR light is invisible to the eye without the use of NV units
  2. The ir300 is much better than the n1000ap, i had one a few weeks ago but as soon as i saw the quality of the ir300 from si's video i sold the n1000ap and bought the ir300 which is MUCH better Scott
  3. if you have access to a drill and bits, do it yourself its easy. if not a good shop will do it for £5, any more and there taking the piss scott
  4. just to let people know i sorted it out. basically normally it should just be an allen key but they stuck a no.6 tx screw in there so i got one from halfords and was able to increase the pressure needed to fire the trigger scott
  5. I know that the s410's power curve is from about 170 down to about 100 i think If you love the s410 tdr why dont you get it regged? Or for a similar price get a hw100:)
  6. hey so i have been meaning to adjust my trigger for ages now but just forgot. so went to do it tonight and i know that the allen at the back of the trigger unit is for the length of pull and the one at the very front is for the weight of pull but the problem is the one at the front is not a standard allen key, it is a star is this normal? heres a pic scott
  7. solid and incredibly accurate. i had one before my hw100 and i dropped it once and bent the barrell after sorting out the scope to cope with the difference it would still do 11mm groups at 30metres scott edited to add that the only reason i bought a hw100 is because i picked a hw100tk up at the shop and loved the mag system and side lever, i wouldn't say it is more accurate imo go for the s410 carbine
  8. Yeah mate it is like daylight at around 20m its great. I spoke to antoni through phone and text. Hes a great guy and was actually able to make one with a on/off switch rather than a pressure pad Scott
  9. So after setting up the illuminator i head to one of my permissions A quick zero of the laser to my scope and off i went. First off can i just say that is laser is amazingly powerful, i was looking at rabbits clealy out to 100m with a sony handycam. I had a walk round the farm where i spotted mulitple rabbits but they manage to escape me as i was being to cocky thinking i was invisible haha. I set off intending to get one rabbit only, just to test out the performance of the laser ( which is far better than my previous n100ap ) i headed towards a part of my permission that is
  10. The laser has to be some distance away from your scope to make any impact. i.e. below the barrel. And you need to get a decent laser as some of the chinese ones are shit in terms or lossing zero setting and windage and elevation. Imo dont bother. You will buy it on a whim and stop using it after a few outings. I know coz i did the same. Scott
  11. Just wondering if anyone has or used a tuned hw95k? would like to know who tuned it and what they did and whats the recoil like before and after? atb scott
  12. tried this tonight, works a treat
  13. doesnt wood have to be lacquered or varnished before polishing? your prosport will just be oiled. if you just want to protect your stock then use something thing like ccl conditioning oil or even birchwood casey gun wax if you want to oil it use birchwood casey tru oil. atb scott
  14. Yup, Amazing mate honestly. When it arrived in the post in a cardboard tube it felt empty ( the cardboard tube ). you know how heavy the hw one is on its own!!! plus the added bonus of more shots, mine did around 50 and now it will push 100 and the balance of the rifle is soooooo much nicer. atb scott I'm tempted, just wish I had the spare cash.. You could sell your current cylinder to help towards. Just a thought. I sold mine after i got the new one Scott
  15. i dont think the tread is the same as camera treads. you will have to attach to a piece or pvc pipe
  16. Yup, Amazing mate honestly. When it arrived in the post in a cardboard tube it felt empty ( the cardboard tube ). you know how heavy the hw one is on its own!!! plus the added bonus of more shots, mine did around 50 and now it will push 100 and the balance of the rifle is soooooo much nicer. atb scott
  17. i just use fingerless gloves, 99p at local shops this time of year
  18. cant beat squirrel hunting
  19. love the stock mate, is it a cs700? how does it feel compared to the standard hw100 thumbhole? scott
  20. Myself and my mate headed up to one of my permissions at 8am this morning and started off with a zero session for his new webley xocet .22, after being happy with the grouping we had a walk round the not so big piece of land which concluded in an empty bag. So off to the next permission which is another small one which consists of horse paddock and a very small wood, we went separate ways and i headed to the woodland area. Slowly creeping into the trees i noticed a familiar rustling noise and then saw the pesky squirrel jump into sight, i followed him as he made his way around the trees an
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