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Everything posted by presty

  1. jst wonderin how much i wod get for my gun http://http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/presty86/SDC10013.jpg'>http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/presty86/SDC10013.jpg http://http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/presty86/SDC10013.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/presty86/SDC10014.jpg
  2. nt bad workers n ive got a saluki/bull/grey
  3. me jack n pat http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/presty86/Photo0082.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/presty86/Photo0081.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd514/presty86/Photo0079.jpg
  4. nt let me load them pics up mate
  5. kid from silky ryhope it works out t be bout 3 n ill sort 1 out mate
  6. got it give bout 2 n year ago off a kid from ryhope it was olny young kid called nicki havent worked her prop til last year wit me workin bt dun mint had a lot it her
  7. my bitch is double ov that wat lines r in that
  8. ive got a choc pat there [bANNED TEXT]
  9. wonnderin if any 1 had sum ratting permission in northeast n need a hand got a smoker couple ov terrier n a lift or a problem wit rats
  10. jst wondering if any 1 wat hand ratting
  11. hi am in intrested in ur gun where do u live n wat year is gun
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