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Dr mole

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Everything posted by Dr mole

  1. Hi Rolfe What you've got there are Chafer Grubs I reckon. They are a big problem at the moment in certain parts of the country and will be until they go down deep for the winter. They only target sandy soils. Magpies and crows will also pick up on signs of damage to lawns and will tear it up to get to them. Leather Jackets won't be a problem for a month or two yet. There are only two chemical products that I'm aware of that are licenced for Chafer control. One is Provado - for amateur use. I use Merit Turf to treat them and need a PA6 to purchase and use professionally. Both w
  2. That's right Nod - 500th member is certainly not the same as 500 members. Many have signed up and are no longer members. I'm with Matt. I'm in my fourth year with them and have picked up enough jobs (just) to justify the expense. More than that though there is a good forum for members and for what it's worth a logo to use on my website / literature.
  3. Could soon be more molecatchers than moles - certainly feels that way here
  4. Take a look at the flatpack Talpex type traps on https://www.theflatpack.co.uk/merchantmanager/index.php?cPath=13 Unlike some I've tried they've not started to get rusty and seize up.
  5. Great looking site Dean. Very impressed if it's all your own work. One of the best pest sites I've seen. Have to agree about the products though. Not a good idea IMO. As Posh p***y says, lots of spelling mistakes and also bad grammar you don't want on a website.
  6. Hi Barry I've just enquired with Natural England about the use of Larsen traps and wether I need a licence for magpies. I don't, but must - and to quote "You should read the licence carefully to ensure you adhere to its conditions" Here's the link they sent me (I think you'll have to copy and paste it): http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/Images/wlc-gl04_tcm6-24149.pdf Take particular notice of paragraph 1 - the purposes of control and also the welfare of the decoy bird. Hope this helps. G.
  7. Hi Snoopy Please pm me your number and I'll give you a call. Thanks for everyone who's been in touch. I will ring over the weekend. Cheers.
  8. Hello all I'm based in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. Most of my work is moleing within 15 miles typically. Due to the nature of many places I work I sometimes get asked if I catch rabbits. I don't but have a mate that shoots. I could do with a contact or two if anyone local catches rabbits with ferrets. Please post or pm me if fairly local and interested. Cheers.
  9. Now that's good trapping!! I'd have been chuffed to bits with a couple of dozen with that many traps.
  10. One mole? minimum £40 for new customers (less for regular customers if fairly local). For long distances I've charged £120 before (40 miles away).
  11. Hi New to the forum and came across your post. If you still need a molecatcher can I suggest you get in touch with the excellent David Swift from Worksop. I know his prices are reasonable. You can find him on www.nottinghammolecatcher.co.uk. If not I may be prepared to travel the 15 miles. Find me on acemolecontrol.co.uk.
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