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Everything posted by Karpman

  1. Just modified mine. Took the sound suppressing foam from me car wheel arch. Works a treat bit noisy in the car now lol Karpman
  2. cracking stuff Mr mole, Good to see you back and doing the business, Love that black kit a cracker. Cheers Karpman
  3. Use a jiz mag as a target I'm with phantom get him firing into a bucket of sand until he relaxes. Could take him to shoot a few clays if you have means. An air rifle would seem pretty tame after. Karpman
  4. good on you for getting permission, but it amazes me, how many shooters have the same attitude as yourself rabbits are a pest species, whatever the age, you quote unsporting, yet use the word pest control on your video, so its a bit contradicting, and saying what she dosent see wont hurt her well, she's going to be seeing lots of little ones running around thats for sure now, probably opening a can of worms here, but you shoot a woodie at the start of video now you'll already know that woodies cannot be shot for sport, only pest control, yet it cant be for crop protection in a gar
  5. Hi mate. Been a long time. Glad your getting back on your feet pal. If you want to talk pop me a text pal, and cracking shooting. Karpman
  6. LOL ya work would stand for it, It would make me a bit less discreet. Dam could take me Lurcher Shawn he would go fetch it dispatch it bring it take a shit have a scratch and be a nob for the next 20 minutes lol Cheers Karpman P.s was not after solutions just if there any good or not sorry if I was not clear. Years ago lost many a bird for not having a good dog.One of the best gun dogs i had was a Lurcher. Nice, Shawn is scruffy and thick like his dad not a good gun dog at all, Sucking up rabbits like noo noo the hoover in the hedgerows at the minute. It's my f
  7. Cheers mate, No bloody chance of me wearing it out either lol! Do seem exactly what I'm looking for just did not know if they were a gimick, To many of them about nowday's. Cheers Karpman
  8. Hello, do pest control as a job, so trap a lot of pigeons in live catch traps, humane dispatchers are the way to go one squeeze on the pliers and its all over, no mess, no blood, sometimes need to be discret, so cant come down from the top of a tower block covered in claret and feathers, hope this is helpfull Ian Cheers mate spot on, Gonna order now. Thanks again pal Spa Incoming. Karpman
  9. LOL ya work would stand for it, It would make me a bit less discreet. Dam could take me Lurcher Shawn he would go fetch it dispatch it bring it take a shit have a scratch and be a nob for the next 20 minutes lol Cheers Karpman P.s was not after solutions just if there any good or not sorry if I was not clear.
  10. Haha yeah Indeed mate, Don't stop the feathers scattering the floor though. Like I said I do have to be a little discreet. Dead in the bag, Back upto work no mess no fuss, Simply wanted to know if there effective really, Karpman
  11. Perfectly capable of dispatching any feather or fur by hand, That was not my question. I shoot for an hour before work round an old train station with a small wood, I was a fast effective tool just keep in my bag to whip and do the job were necessary. With pigeons I prefer to push from the back as a pull and twist can and do'es remove tissued from the neck, And makes them no good for decoying/dog mouthing. What makes you think I'm squeamish matt? ATB Karpman
  12. Indeed, I I lamp a rugby at the moment. There is 3 good'ish warrens and one or two smaller ones. I have shot one and could of shot many more smaller rabbits, There a little lamp shy due to the flood lights and training but not overly difficult and would certainly be easy fodder with ferrets. At the moment I shoot for the pot and after seven blanks well in need of a bloody decent size rabbit or 3 lol, Pigeon is nice but running out of recipes lol. karpman
  13. Def more rabbits to be shot than pigeons!! Will try to get a few 'lamping night' pics myself (for the records) Gonna need another freezer real soon me thinks!! Nice one chaps, Love a good wright up of a bumper nights shooting. Makes me see what I'm missing out on :wallbash: A 20 bag would about clear my permission lol, Heaving with pigeons though . Kill 2 3 come back. Karpman
  14. Hi guys, Wondering if anyone is using one of these for pigeon and if there as effective as they rekon. Out the last 14 birds 3 unfortunately still showed some signs of life and one was a fairly clean head head shot Anyhow I have no problems dispatching pigeon by hand just find it a little messy so quite fancy a pair of these, By messy I mean they shed feathers bleed etc. I shoot around work and have to be discreet. Atb Karpman
  15. I know what your saying mate, but i think in this case, the law effects peoples attitudes towards the weapon. I think a lot of the folk are not even idiots, just ignorant and a bit foolish. All the gear, no idea, and dangerous with it. I understand what you saying, I'm not as prone to outburst as one may think You are obviously very passionate about your beliefs as am I. Just for the record I a Sgc fairly clean criminal record. I like the liberation that comes with an air rifle I can if I choose shoot in my garden at work and any other place I have permission and it's safe
  16. Sorry paul. My over the top post was not aimed at you at all mate. As for your Inital post I just think the Subject matter was a little inappropriate, they were breakers there weapon of choice is of little incidence. My post was aimed at ideation, seems to me the fella has nothing better to do than hang around here and make us looked. Karpman
  17. I apologise for being a bit harsh. The fosters got the better of me. our sport has enough bad press without people highlighting some of the Moore unsavory things. Karpman
  18. I do wonder what your motives are for hanging around here blessing us with your wisdom. Out spoken hypocrite with a dislike for air rifles. trolling is all I guess. Boredom or some f****n one man army to get legislation on air weapons tightened? Karpman
  19. I just think he is a brummie blue man and hates villa shirts. Or am I missing the point entirely Karpman
  20. Love to see em ready for the pot nice one pal. Karpman
  21. And ya posted here why? Survey villa have a website and forum for you to tell ya little tale at. Atb Karpman
  22. Cracking stuff buddy superb shot indeed and fantastic wright up! Keep at em and keep em coming. Atb Karpman
  23. Bloody bell PAL cracking stuff. Your unstoppable at the minute mate will give you a well earned spa when I'm home later. Never eaten dove gave the dog one the other day. Gonna go try and bag one this very morning now lol Atb KARPMAN
  24. Not shooting kits is something that has left me seven blank bags and a little explaining to do. Not that I'm against it and certainly not getting in any morale high horse. I'm sure some folks will be filling there boots on a glut of young magpies soon and won't bat an eyelid. Easy to jump on the total high ground. Karpman
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