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Everything posted by Karpman

  1. Good god. Needless to say i'm more than slightly impressed. And looking forward to getting a rifle all of my own. Nice vid chaps Karpman
  2. Guessing collection only? Pm sent also Ryder
  3. Hello after one of these fine rifle's S/H or would consider a decent underlever maybe. Cheers karpman
  4. lol not a bad shout that. they'd have a good gob full off her if i took mine.lol or she'd take a gob full haha LOL yeah would be tempted to reverse the fortunes and dump the wife and do a runner.. Karpman
  5. Sorry to hear that. Seems some folk will go any length and these lessons are always hard learnt. Karpman
  6. 8x42's and 10x42's are fantastic without a doubt. The new version Swarovisions are a lot lighter too. But if ya not got so much to spend have a look at importing some Zen rays they are creating a real storm in the states and are of superb quality brightness etc. I do a bit of birdwatching, So no a bit about optics. In the alpha range Leica should not be discounted either. Karpman
  7. Fished there also, never done so well with carp. Still disgusted by this and bit loathed to go out with the dog tonight. B*stards Karpman
  8. Just up the road from , Almost walking distance. Stolen tried coursing em and hung em is my best guess, Sh*t similar to this has happened before and can't begin to tell you how many abandon lurcher type dogs end up walking around them village fields. Barton, shackerstone etc. Not so long ago to boys were going round peoples gardens opening up the rabbit hutches and letting the dogs on em. Sick and am disgraced and appalled. Will be keeping a close eye on my hound.
  9. Confidence cannot be discounted in such situations I think either. Cammo gives a great deal of confidence, But is not always needed. When your feeling confident you move better stronger more positiveand wehen you fail it's sur;ey not the cammo Karpman
  10. Hey guys just wondering what the main differences are on the 3 models. Looking at buying a second hand one, Right this moment and it has the 2 part stock so guessing Mk1/2? and would it be a pitfall to buy a Mk1? These guns are very reliable i hear. Karpman
  11. Hey guys Gonna start on my own, Sounds very satisfying and can match the area around were I live. Broken glass, Syringes and condoms should do it then! Just ordered some Jute twine from Screw fix 3ply in green and plain in 150m rolls £3.29 a roll cheapest i have found so far anyone else? Karpman
  12. Crikey I'm a little new at this.. Karpman
  13. Just wondering fellas Feel free to slap me ass if this is a stupid question but here go'es... Would the supplied mount work with a rifle and scope? looks to mount on the scope rail? two questions sorry. Karpman P.s if i need another mount someone point me in the right place? cheers
  14. Got given 4 skol for Xmas so having to ruin 4 cans of strongbow to get it down! Somebody hates me......

    1. ford connect

      ford connect

      Snakebite youll be rocking

  15. Probably got a close up of what it was dealing with and spewed.. Hope you gave him a rub down and a warm blanket after he's near miss. Indeed, Sure he thought he was just after another dog, Turned out well for a random event. Dog did not seem to shook up just his usual self. A learning curve with a sharp angle it seems. Karpman
  16. Hey guys, Just had to share my walk tonight. Was out with Shawn my bedo x whippet getting on for nearly 6 months or so now and around 19 tts. Shawn is my first lurcher and quite dear to me at the moment, Am enjoying him very much indeed! Anyway out on our usual foray tonight after eating way to much cold turkey and couple of tins, Shawn was in and out of the hedgerow like a maniac sniffing, Routing around and generally being a nob. All of a sudden a fox ran out from the hedgerow a few yards down and shawn gave chase up the field and through the hedge. To say I shite me self was an
  17. Thanks for informative unbiased advice. Very much appreciated indeed! karpman
  18. Just out of curiosity, is rifle buying addictive? Seems many own more than one, Not against it. May become a addict too someday.. Karpman
  19. Cheers mate, i am at the age now were i can wait and look around with out buying the first thing that comes along, Well for a week at least lol. Whilst researching and drinking fosters i keep edging towards AA. The Bsa's do also seem very tempting. Karpman
  20. Dont you think they worth eating i might give the pup it! I don't like em mate, Think he deserves it too Could always share it though lol. karpman
  21. Screw it my Beddy x Whippet is the Tits even if there is no point. Lots of things in life are utterly pointless. Fluff chucking springs to mind Karpman
  22. All the best mate! Hope all go'es well and look forward to the good news! Karpman
  23. Nice catch for the pup! The mud stabbing type birds really struggling with this hard ground, Me pup has had a run or two a a couple of snipe on the local brook course never retrieved one yet though Marvelous, Taste like shite imho. Karpman
  24. Cheers for all the info guys! Headed over to the local gun shop today, All he had really was some turk thing he was pushing hard Hatsan 44-10 or some, To cut a long story short... Top heavy, A noble on the trigger about took my finger off and the cocking went with a little creek and a shudder? Being to picky maybe? Did make my mind up though that precharged is most certainly the way to go, A AA410 may also be an option. The only decent air rifle i owned was a Tx200Hc some years back around 2000 I think and would like to stick with AA, The quality suited me fine Cheers Karpman
  25. Cheers mates. My initial concern was if a 12ft/lbs weapon would be up to the job, Seems so many thanks my mind is made up. I will be looking to purchase a AA S200 in the not to distant future! Just for the record my offence was over 13 years and two kids and one dog ago lol, Funny how a reckless few years nips you in the bud. Many thanks Karpman
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