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Everything posted by Karpman

  1. Shhh will have that dude from black adder and his time round ripping up your permission mate! Atb Karpman
  2. yeah pal sounds good, Curiosity got him bit by a ferret was brilliant, He's just like his dad fecking thick and scruffy lol Karpman
  3. lol ya mate, hows the pup? Shawns a lazy tw£t lol karps pup is great,he caught a rabbit last night,which he later dropped! never the less we both were chuffed to bits.but he is also a lazy git,if he aint stealing things,fighting my other dog or out with me hes sleeping! hes doin great tho. hope shawns doin well? yeah mate he's doing great, been ferreting a couple of times and lamping a couple. He is a thieving sod also lol, getting fast now though. Ha d a few good runs. Loves it when I come home with me game bag he gets to rag the carcass lol Karpman
  4. lol ya mate, hows the pup? Shawns a lazy tw£t lol karps
  5. Cracking dog! I have a lead just like that.... karpman
  6. I wont' reply to with what just jumped into my mind when I read that Hmm maybe your thinking if she has a matching bra? karpman
  7. Screw it dude we all live and learn. Looking forward to meeting ya pal, Make me own mind up then if your numpty or not Atb Karpman the numpty:)
  8. Nice dog, Nice pictures, Nice gun and nice wright up pal. Something most satisfying about getting shit up sometimes I think Karpman
  9. Haha yeah I do mate, I have to be very discreet and am very careful as not to lose my permission. Karpman
  10. Some can be incredibly hard to identify too. especially young birds. Karpman
  11. Like a re run of my morning pal! Superb indeed, Look forward to the better quality stuff. Karpman
  12. Sure pal, Will sort some out still in work at the moment. Coming along nice though, Dressed her with a Mtc cobra great budget scope for the clumsy hunter such as my self love it to bits! Karpman
  13. Could not agree more mate, Hate new gear always feels tarnished by newish and the terrible jinx that comes with it. All in my mind of course but feel better when it's broke in. Karpman
  14. Disgusting and disgusted by this news, Used to clear rats whilst night fishing some years ago. Some pratt maimed a swan and all was stopped. Karpman
  15. Hi guys, At the weekend I spent a bit of time working on the other love of my life, Yeah the S200. Dressed her in a new scope and gave her stock a new look. To say I was chomping at the bit to get a kill nailed and christen the new look would be a tad understated, No chances were forth coming yesterday with one thing and another so by this morning my blood pressure was rising! I rolled in work this morning twenty minutes early, No one around no chance of a customer rolling drive, Excellent. A quick scan of the spinney revealed a lone woody sitting tight and pruning, After watching hi
  16. Theres two licences for same/similar Bird specie, One for protecting crops and live stock one for protecting public health. I prepare food in my back garden, I skin, Pluck and barbecue in the summer months. I have good reason to control these specie in my garden on health grounds. The 2 trees at the bottom of my garden sometimes have large number of jackdaws, Scaring is only effective for so long. Anyhow shot a woodie at work this morning, Wright up and photos later:) Karpman
  17. Just and after thought like, As for Greater black back gull probably should not be attempted with an air rifle anyhow. And for gulls I wonder how many can happily identify them well enough to know which one they are picking off. Karpman
  18. To preserve public health of safety. Having large numbers of birds shitting on golf courses rugby pitches and the cars and buildings including tables and eating areas is good reason for me. And magpies make the most horrendous enough to drive you mad! Whats healthy about that? I have to clear such specie at work, They shit on the cars dude comes along spits on tissue rubs it off his window and puts it back in his pocket! So better kill em to make sure me thinks. Karpman Scotland
  19. Dam I like the look of that rifle! I dearly love my My AA S200 but yearn for a break barrel also, No other reason and certainly no logical reason other than I want one! Really fancy one of them after your wright up. |Cheers Karpman
  20. You must just have a filthy mind mate!! haha although i am suprised myself that theres been no jokes about it haha let me be the first to tell you im not that way inclined.........................although if there was a chance of him leaving me the farm in his will................................ haha LOL I never thought you were old pal, Seems everyone has a price though! Bloody tart. Love the photos pal, Wish I had my memories so well cataloged. Cheers pal
  21. Love it mate! Cracking set of pictures and a fitting run down on your hunting life! Can't believe theres been no joke about cocks yet.. You know the farmer wanted to wring it's neck and all but got you to do it instead Love it mate Karpman
  22. Karpman


    Cracking stuff pal. karpman
  23. haha!! must of been a damaged pellet karpman, and thats pretty poor shooting for me at 25 yards a quarter of an inch low maybe more, should be bang on at 25 yards, thats my zero. Atb Peter Was hard to tell target size, At least you were grouping pal. And yeah bet it was a robin hood type pellet go'es round corners an all. cheers bud karpman
  24. You move to 5 Yards after the shot mate? Just tickling ya some mighty fine shooting my friend. Karpman
  25. my mistake mate and i checked and found it dead. i agree though, the vid is decieaving atb love to see the vids and fair play to anyone who can make em. karpman
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