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Everything posted by Karpman

  1. What gun ya got pal. Nice present! and hope you enjoy it. All the best Karpman
  2. I picked a Hatsan up once, Won't make that mistake again... From what I have seen of the Smk's they are not to bad build wise, And seem to have some kind of following. Karpman
  3. Sounds a good plan pal, Every bit of free meat is gonna bring the cost per kilo anyway. Guessing with you budget pal some Chinese gun is about only way forward, Maybe even a second hand one. If you could stretch to a used Hw would cut out the inevitable need to upgrade later mate. Good luck mate and have fun karpman
  4. Nice one. Is leucisim, More common in birds than one may think. Can be total whitening or just part and should not be confused with albino type conditions The starling was in father inlaws garden. nice one pal karpman
  5. Gonna be spending a little time getting 100kg's of meat I rekon. You got a mincer mate so ya can just skin and mince practically otherwise gonna be very labor intensive and time consuming way to feed your dogs, Take it your feeding barf. Rabbit and pigeon and such is also very lean so keeping weight on may be an issue. As for guns The snk seems the way forward for you. karpman
  6. Cracking wright up chaps, You fella's know how to live it up thats for sure! All the best Karpman
  7. Superb mate cracking shooting indeed spa from me. Karpman
  8. Hi matt, I am well aware of post mortem movement, And am way out of my depth with the science of it all. The .22 pellet has bigger surface area so must surely create a bigger entry whole and cause more damage no matter marginal. I am also in no doubt my .177 is a very capable killer having now seen off several pigeons and a squirrel without to much fuss. cheers karpman
  9. Nice one mush! Other guy was a proper pratt. karpman
  10. Hi mate, I take on board all has been and interesting reads indeed, In practice .22 do'es at least to appear to have a little more stopping power. The pellet being larger in theory would make placement easier due to the size against the brain ratio even with marginal spread? Shot a pigeon today and the pellet went straight through it's napper clean enough head shot but certainly an awful lot more movement than the last two. No doubt about though my .177 is a serious killing machine on the right quarry at the right distances. Karpman
  11. Would stay away from the NBC suits if you cane mole mate. I'm a little frugal and like a bargain as much as the next bloke! These things can be a royal pain in the ass though, They let the charcoal leak on you after a bit of movement and it cracks, Can't really wash em and there noisy and hot. Better stuff around for a cheap price. Charity shops can be good if your lucky and surplus gortex of course. Leme know how ya get on if you do get NBC mate Karpman
  12. His view was of course you do away with the stronger after market springs and fit a original Air arms one, Hoping this may solve your consistency issues. Which if I'm not mistaken seems as to what you did? You fit the original part and done away with the aftermarket stuff? I'm not here to tittle tattle, Just answer your questions with my best possible answer. I am very much a newb and would rather not be popping springs out my S200 at all to be honest. Cheers Karpman
  13. Seems like sound advice to me, Maybe he don't come across to well. But the advice there was sound enough. After market goods can be a dodgy gray area in replacement parts from cars to guns to hoovers. Karpman
  14. Sounds like that mis guided pratt gave you a nice friendly kick up the ass and got you moving. Waiting for mine, Have a small bit of permission and and not bothered to go looking yet lol Nice one chaps Karpman
  15. Yeah sounds like the land owner made a new friend? He has some big bollocks coming knocking on doors thats for sure... Seems like your land owner has been misguided by some mis fit idiot with no idea and no notion of how to deal with things.. Karpman
  16. How are them ebay bi pods guys, 22 quid quite fancy one! cheers karpman
  17. Nice bag pal, Hear what your saying about picking em off, Odd ones for the pot will still be coming for a lil why yet. As for them breeding all year mole, They may just be shagging I see no evidence round here of juvenile woody's and they bloody stick out like a sore thumb. Clumsy dodgy colored idiots they are and all. See the jackdaws collecting sticks now all day long and the great tits are checking out the box in the garden. Find bloody woody's shed the feathers so god dam easy anyhow, Ya dog just picks um up and gets a mouthful lol Karpman
  18. I rekon General airgun should be the first you fall upon with hunting and tech sub forums. As has already been said. Nice forum anyhow. very liberal nearly grown up and well managed without over zealous banning and kicking of it's inhabitants. Cheers Karpman
  19. Tried one with me pcp useless POI change every time if located on barrel not surprising really, Moves the barrel slightly every time so wave good bye to your zero. Useless unless you want be playing with your scope and missing alot IMHO karpman Edit guess it's the same reason why you don't lean your barrel on things to take a shot doh
  20. Got one love it, Power curve bad? My .177 is great for 60 shots have had it pinned to the spot and fired off 70 or so, Was well over 60 before dropping and was putting pellet on pellet. No power gauge put soon come to live with that, Great bit of kit and deadly accurate and lightweight probing it's self a real winner for me and continues to fill the pot. Karpman BBB sounds like yours had a leak mate and was dumping air when nearly empty. Just a thought pal before you bight me head off:)
  21. When soldiers return to the country after active duty they should be Embraced, Respected, Welcomed with open arms and bloody well looked after. If you can't do that then you have no place here, Regardless of how you stand on war and politics these men and women have gone to make the ultimate sacrifice for you and your country. And I honestly mean totally regardless of your views you should have at least the f*****g respect and the morale fiber to welcome every soldier back to our shores. I am proud to be English, Proud to be British, I am proud of what are army has achieved, Every st
  22. I have nothing but respect for the men and women who serve my country, I am a patriot as I wright this the Georges cross flies at roof level on a pole at my house. Being victimized for serving is nothing short of revolting............. A world of respect and pride from the Karpman Many thanks Karpy
  23. Shoulda sold it.. If it's that good, you have gave it's name away on tinternet. He is gonna keep it, Race it, Bet on it, Stud it. Whatever. Better have a fecking good kennel that dog will be stolen for breeding... Karpman
  24. Just a quick update! Eat the bugger tonight. Stir fried in sweet chilli sauce added to a pitta full of salad chillis and such. Bloody beautiful, Never get tired of eating pigeon. Just can't shoot enough of em Karpman
  25. cracking mate clean too! Mine always look that clean, The the dog grabs it off the sideboard runs up the garden, Runs round some more then drops it and runs in the house when I'm suitably cross... Cracking stuff, Had pigeon kebab tonight was superb! Karpman
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