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Everything posted by Karpman

  1. Superb mate! Big slap on the back from me! May have to go bag one me self tonight now! karpman
  2. Leicestershire: Country Sports Of Ashby Shop Superb Fellas Great Products and service! If they have not got it in stock they will get it and fast! Cannot stress enough how good these fellas are Cheers Karpman
  3. I really do know what you mean about lurchers, mate, they can be rather.... erm.... willful Thinking about it I maybe was a bit harsh refering to the bloke as a 'twat'. I kind of feel a bit sorry for him in a way, I could hear him calling for his dog for ages before I saw it and TBH I think if the deer had turned on it, they'd have had it good and proper, it really was a scrawny looking dog!! Thanks for the comment. Cheers Hehe ya bet the dear would of gave it a right good shoeing, Dam frustrating losing your dog sometimes and bloody dangerous but do'es happen to the bes
  4. Mango Rabbit With Rice And Side Salad Mhmm

  5. Nice wright up pal, Sounds great there for sure! Liking lurchers my self I cannot be to harsh against the dog, Mine can be a complete T*at at times too Look forward to more chaps! Karpman
  6. Thanks for all the kind words guys, The Rugger club could work out to be an excellent larder for me, I'm trying not for complete assassination as time and permission is short at the minute lol. Hoping to just keep doing enough to keep them happy, Theres a few rats to go at as well. Due to there location there gonna be trapped though. Will get some photos up of the Rifle soon, Managed to acquire another camera body off the father in law, Chuffed with the stock and the Bi pod and she is dressed with a MTC cobra scope, Feels like a proper no thrills hunting tool now. Numerous pigeons an
  7. Hey bud, Took the side fillets and rear legs. Sear em off wrap em in foil with some sweet chilli sauce from a jar place in the oven for a lil bit and serve warm with salad and new spuds I rekon pal. Or any variation on that theme lol, Bit to near to spring for stew in my books lol Karpman P.s thanks for your kind comments
  8. Haha Indeed and first for a long time! Trying to give them a little breeding space, But need to show a bit of willing or they will have them ferreted. I assured them I would be very unobtrusive *some folks don't like to see em being splatted and theres always folks around in the day* It will be eaten and not wasted though! Karpman
  9. What a cracking rifle! Love it pal, Will get a pic of how mine looks when the camera becomes un fooked lol Karpman
  10. If he fell and hit his head resulting in his untimely death some poor innocent fellow would go to prison for stopping a crime. He is of course a relative to someone one, Don't change the fact he is a thieving b*****d Theres already been to many innocent folk grace our prisons for apprehending thieves in my very honest of opinions, Some very famous cases indeed. Karpman
  11. Hey guys, As you know I have a S200 that I am a tad keen on, Well I also have a little bit of permission. It's a rugby club spanning 4 pitches and a small copse. I am down there most mornings mole trapping before work, Picking a little litter and helping to keep the place tidy, This I do to keep my permission. As one could imagine you can't shoot the land all the time , But good god do'es it hold some rabbits. I have been trying to hold off Bugs for a couple of months, But and ain't there always a But. I have been getting more than a little pushing to clear a few, So tonight off I wo
  12. Superb dog superb shot pal! Love it Karpman
  13. Aha indeed, I have tried to stay away from this but what a load of contradictive bollocks, The scum bag has probably already been through the judicial system and was spat out to re offend. Glad ya slapped the prick, Would I have done it? Yeah I would not confront him though sneek up on the f****r and give him a stick round the noggin, Would I kick him on the floor? dam straight. He obviously did not give a flying so why should I. Not gonna start name calling though, Every one needs an opinion and most of what Mr Hooks wrights is informative and helpful. Karpman
  14. Cracking bit of kit mate, Using it for targets? And you still after a .177 I could be well interested in a swap of actions. I have .177 S200 I would rather .22 I think. Cheers pal Karpman
  15. True pal, But doubt Air rifles come much heavier. Really enjoyed mine and have since and forever regretted selling it, Saying that fancy a Hw break barrel for a me springer. He mentioned weight as one of his criteria and weight is mentioned in most reviews of the Tx in one way or another. Karpman
  16. Cheers Si, I need a bottle figured would just screw the hassle and go new, 300 bar 3 lt would fit my needs superbly, Small and should get a few 190 bar charges I guess. That looks like a fine bargain for me cheers fella. Karpman
  17. Yeah but he wants lighter, They aint bloody light lol What about a Hw Break barrel pianoman? Karpman
  18. Hello Mrs mole Welcome aboard the crazy train, I too share your love for the S200 what a fine rifle indeed. Have fun Karpman
  19. Hey pal, Glad you got it sorted, Is a Mk1 with floating barrel. Smashing rifle in superb condition it seems, Love the little rifles there really are superb. Cheers karpman
  20. I have a over penetration problem, Don't make my eyes water though! Sorry skulking off now. Karpman P.s still not overly sure about my .177 though for that exact reason over penetration, From what I have witnessed and experienced is a little more after death/pre death movement even on fairly well placed shots. On birds anyhow, No trouble on the two squizzers shot yet and letting the rabbits alone for the moment.
  21. Hi mole nice gun! Is it Mk1? can't see stock properly, I have a connector I think mate will sort pics out, Yours if you cover postage if you need it pal. To describe it looks like a standard air line coupling used it on my last S200 Mk1 I had for a day or so lol. Dam dog just tried eating me co codamol Karpman
  22. Nice read moleman Welcome her to the world of the S200, Not surprised by your tale. Sure the S200 only shoots homing pellets sure feels like it some times! To easy time for some more spring action for me! Not that I don't love me S200 and all.. Karpman
  23. Hey mole, The S200 get the thumbs up from me, Good looking, Accurate, Deadly. After a springer now and not gonna settle for anything less than a nice used Hw break barrel Karpman
  24. Ah hatsan 44. Nice prezzie mate have fun with her. Karpman
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