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Everything posted by strongbow1

  1. Yes mate out the back of my van, one of them thing you never think happen to you. Stressful night!
  2. I don't know who it was! I just know know what car they where in, and was giving people the heads the up. If I knew names I would be broadcasting! Not interested in bickering on here, like I said earlier 3 door blue Clio........ Reading my post back worded in wrong. Atb strongbow
  3. Keep yours eyes open, 3 door blue Clio, 2 lads in high vize. Leicestershire/Northamptonshire. I've just bin lucky. Don't know any more, not saying anymore don't won't to incriminate any inocent party! I've bin lucky, dog home safe and sound! Keep your eyes open people!
  4. The best cross for catching rabbits, is one from proven parents, and one you like the look of!
  5. You still got van pal, inbox me your number I'm interested.
  6. my young bitch won't let me anywhere near hers when it comes to trimming them, I cut them to short when she was a pup and she not forgot, I have to take her groomers and they put her in a harness, costs me about a fiver.
  7. Can't understand why the breeder wouldn't have them off when they pups, I'd have doubts at looking at a litter with few claws still on.
  8. I think most dogs will no [BANNED TEXT] to be hard mouthed on and what not. I personally expected a rabbit to be retrieved live to hand, nor punctured ready for pot! Can't stand seeing good game going to waste. If every rabbit I caught I was mince meat, it defeats the object for the me!
  9. This is worked for me a few times...... I'm a carpenter and travel about abit for work usually in the same place for a month or so, if I see a farm selling free range eggs I'll make an effort to call in on a few occasions. Buy some eggs and ask if they have problems with rabbits etc. sometime they do sometime not! It's just a bit of an icebreaker. Hope it helps.
  10. Fair play mate! It's a good feeling!
  11. My mates russel whippet, good little bushing dog bud mad as they come
  12. Sorry for you loss, know how you feeling Atb in finding a new pup. Rip
  13. Don't know who Ronnie Pickering is, I've googled Henry wilkinson and some of his prints fetch good money, no one else heard of him?
  14. Don't know who Ronnie Pickering is, I've googled Henry wilkinson and some of his prints fetch good money, no one else heard of him?
  15. He's a beddy/ whip/ grey mate no dh
  16. Few pics of mine and mates dogs iIMG (for forums, boards)
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