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Everything posted by strongbow1

  1. Here's a few pics of my dogs, what do you think?
  2. sounds a useful cross,get sum pics up. All the best
  4. hi everyone, got a new pup so thought id share a few pics she poachers pocket bread the same as my othe dog in pics, hopefully they will upload.
  5. lovely looking bitch, she looks really loyal, atb with pups.
  6. cheers pal, hes a first cross beddy grey x beddy whip grey. it is a good feeling [bANNED TEXT] it all comes together and the training pays off, ill try and upload some recent pics.
  7. good stuff, is there 7 there ? u got ur hands full.ha. are they all smooth coated? all the best.
  8. cheers for replys, out last nite on some new permision, i already new the land and new it held alot of rabbits, but only got two runs, not sure if its bin hammerd or they hav hed mixi, bit disapointing, but u win some, u lose some. have to see what tonight brings? all the best
  9. Just got back from a quick shine, I do more ferreting than lamping with my young dog he's coming up 18 months he's spot on at ferreting, I was starting to think he was never going to make a good lamp dog but it all seems to have come good. He just nailed 5 out 7 runs and one was taken out the seat. Still need to work on his retreive a little bit, but I'm well chuffed with him.
  10. Are all the pups spoken for? What size is the dam? cheers.
  11. I think 6, I seen the photo of the sire on another thread, both look like top dogs, really like the sound of this litter best of luck.
  12. im in the midlands pal, dont mind travelling tho, is it ur bitch? How old is she?
  13. really like the look of this cross, bin looking for a pup for a while, anyone know of any litters? dogs look in tip top condion.
  14. carfull [bANNED TEXT] ur writing!!
  15. cracking looking dogs, i feel for you buddy, hope u find a good home for them.
  16. ive got a dog, thats 15 months, edie was the dam, hes cum on brilliant, had loads of bunnies alrrady with him, he definatly does not lack any gameness, cant wait for the season get him going properly on the lamp.
  17. just wondering if anyone has had a dog from steve ellis, as one of his dogs sired mine, and the dam was poachers pocket, hes turning out to be a real good dog, i was just wondering if anyone eles has experience of his dogs, thanks.
  18. if u still need one pm ur details and ill post it, dont want any money for it, as got given to me,
  19. I'd rather put up with a few cuts, scrapes and sometimes worse to have a dog that will jump. In my opinion jumping is an essential part of a lurcher's toolkit. It would piss me off to see a dog chase until it comes to a fence only to see it come to a halt and hear it yapp its face off running a fenceline as the quarry skips off laughing into the distance. Teach it to jump! thats ur opinion, each to there own i suppose!
  20. think hes about 22 23 not measured him for a while, hes turning out to b a real good little dog, very obident, and very game already. he just wont jump, but im not that botherd about that, prob save in vets bills.ha
  21. cheers buddy, first cross staffy whippet and a bed/whip/grey x bed/grey
  22. just a few picks of my pup at 10 months hes coming on really well, [bANNED TEXT] do you think?
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