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Tally Ho Hunter

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Everything posted by Tally Ho Hunter

  1. a see threw dog wow how you breed him
  2. you are shit hot with a camera mate a will say that stick in sir
  3. any were were the gear is mate to start off with i would if i were you keep away from bits with bird feeders on good luck
  4. like seals ha rough and ready can't beat it atb
  5. i got me self a jeep seem to be having a bit more look stick in fella something will pop up
  6. crack an egg in a mink trap and leave it by a river or beck should score atb
  7. ive heard his present stuff is pound coin stuff just what i heard mate
  8. mate what you want it for if its breed out of the right stuff then give one a whirl (and a wormer) to be fair mate they are ratty.
  9. the right holes always hold for me january febuary are always better months but im flying on 19 already and ive had a week off back out next week update you all
  10. good luck to the boy but tell him to watch police are nobs up that scotch side
  11. 1 man and his dog old school i like it stick in old sir
  12. you wont buy many good ones this time of year lad if any gud luk
  13. calm down give the dog a week off but keep walking him then try again this time gradually build up his fitness gud luk
  14. the bitch will put him in his place lad after a cuple of days
  15. looks like your sorted pal god bless the hunting life
  16. im on about washing a dogs cuts you bunch of fruitcakes forget it.
  17. im up in cumbria and have scored 19 out of holes so far not all local some over the border but i dont work and spend all summer looking for holes im having a few days rest at the minuet as im full of cold.
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