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Everything posted by HEAD SHOT

  1. i'm thinking of applying for a fac can these hw 100's be tuned up ??? what kind of power will it kick out ? i know it will decrease the amount of shots i get but i dont need many shots ! i just dont want to have to buy another gun later on down the road. atb They only got low shot count any way and while every one prases them I suggest you google what hull cartridge say when there returned under warranty lol (thats if they even say they received it).. Nice gun but still has its down falls. If fac is what your thinking,the stealth is the way to go,nice light rifle with huge sgot co
  2. s10 but I would swap one of mine as I need a light rifle for my son. Ask the lad to pm me or pm me his details.
  3. Im in same situation but as I think springs gone but I already have a gas rammed one. While different it is not better except maitnence free and I can leave it cocked for ages,other wise it shakes your fillings out.I though it was due to the lightning not originaly being made to be a gas ram but all theobens are like it to,they destroy scopes and kick hard. Think il be going for a spring tune but not paying vmachs prices when theres other people who suply him around that charge cheaper. I think I'l buy a standard spring,get the plastic bits made and head over to that american who supplies t
  4. GOT A SPARE ULTRA ONE THAT ANY GOOD Hi mate were about's you from and how much u want for it It wont go on cuz the ultras screw cut and lightnings not. I got a BSA one for your lightning. pm me a offer. Cheers Calvin
  5. More then a carbine barrel costs lol,there robbing feckers. cut it down,get a dremmel and youtube. Its not ruined if you mess the crown up cuz you just re crown it again. Dont go any shorter the 10" its ilegal and before any one say but theobens got 7.5 it is 10+ with silencer and technicly with out the silencer (ILLEGAL)youl lose a tiny bit of power. Dont bother DIY screw cutting though.
  6. You should send it to DEBEN the the main dealer/Importers,thats who it wil go to any way.email them.
  7. Dont buy a mtc,why you think theres so many used ones for sale? Hawkes are ok if real cheap.The jap made ones are best though. You sure you aint blew your seals on your gun?you fill to 200 bar on the bottle or your rifles gauge?if the rifles gauge i think you would of fecked it because there just a guide (waiste of time really). You say its been lightly used over 3 years,that would mean your seald do need replacing. You could be dumping air,more likely a seal or summert with the gun gone wronbg cuz I cant see a scope just stop working over 1 day. There is a load of scopes you can get with
  8. IM still waiting for you to tell me how much you want for it . Its no good telling me what it owes you , my rifles stand me way more than i`ll ever get for them , but then this should be taken into account if you want to sell . You cannot expect the same amount of money for a gun in that condition , as it cost you . Ive seen a very nice example with the new style , and that was only a tenner more than what yours `Stands you ` . Think of how much this would cost new ? Well a new mark 3 TX HC is only £300 , so that would put a VGC second hand one at £200ish . I think you need to be a little mo
  9. your best off selling it say 120 ish and hoping for a falcon fn19 or titan,or putting a little for a used ultra or stealth. people want more then there kit was new at the minute but the down to earth people still sell for down to earth prices. good luck,oh if it helps,i pick my 177 lightning up more then any of my pcps.
  10. are you havin a feckin giraffe mate :crazy: :crazy: you actually selling what can be classed as second hand not even full tins of pellets.!! :crazy: :crazy: do you think theres a shortage and people are desperate,???? LOLLLLLL and nearly the price of a full tin. I tell you what I will happily sell you 250 half a tin of them pellets for same price and if I can do that every day I wont need to work.
  11. Interested in a bottle and mag too.
  12. This sounds weird cuz your selling a gun and im asking you the price? £400 was a hefty bill there mate and I hope you know you will be very lucky to recover even half that. Im interested in the Rifle by its self,you might get more by splitting. Pm me a price im in west mids and I can collect asap.
  13. funny I think were on like mk10 now mate. Im interested pm on the way.
  14. Google jawt it the japanese akita welfare trust. I have 2 of these and trust me they would think twice next time and these dogs dont mess around. Only problem is is not to let it get to wild as there the closest breed to the wolf you can get.The howling should put them off but I dont care who you are,you see one of these 15 stone fuckers snarling at you,your not hanging about. Big basterds and not scared of any one. Loads on jawt a home check is required but if this dont bother you your ok and remember your most likely saving a dog from being put down. Go for a big aggressive one that the
  15. Hello, Give us a description of the kind of knife you after please mate. Serrated,half serated,tanto,tanto serrated,full tang,fixed or folder and what sort of size. I honestly have loads.

  16. Na mate,having trouble insuring my car at the minute.Cant seem to get it under a grand which is a joke for a 1.6.Hoping to get out before end of season.

    Want to have a few Deer/rabbit and see if theres and Dog fox's about ;-)

  17. Been stopping at the mrs,gone to my flat and cought a few of these. How do I exterminate them?177 or 22 12 or 410 lol. any advice appreciated
  18. when he is adjusting the scope is the point of impact relevant? What I mean is, is the actual zero moving? On 2 scopes now Ive had to give them a sharp tap to free them inside, I had a Zeiss that you could screw one way then the other and the zero would not change. And I would of sent that zeiss straight back as that cant be tolerated on them high price scopes.If it cant bite to adjust hows it gonna hold zero? Mate hawkes are quite cheap,it could be a manufacturing fault. I would take it back asap but you may have a problem as you have mounted it. Take it back.take both back to
  19. Just a Idea, have you looked for beating in your area?there is a dedicated forum forgot what is is and they want you to register as a beater and they will find you some where. Asking for beating may be better,youl get in to the company of shooters (BRAGS IS IT?BEATERS AND PICKERS?),you get payed and get to know like minded people,that will open doors. Do a google for pickers and beaters forums theres a few,not by me cuz I live in Ghetto lol but Im sure theres estates near you. That is your only wat in to estates as the game keepers are mostly moody,by working a day beating and picking for t
  20. His right cuz most of them forget what it was like to have no where to shoot and chances are they didnt even knock up there own shoot any way,most likely on a mates shoot. Best thing to do to save you hearing bull off every one is either 1 business cards or 2 letters and just post them at all farms asking if they will call.Be sure to knock at the same time as face to face i the best but dont get funny when there talking a load of bullshit to you,just take it with a knock on the chin and on to the next one. I would bet 90% of this forum dont have there own shoot and wont even attempt to ge
  21. Any one out the next few weeks give me a shout. Give me a shout if you go for deer. Dont matter if you got no dog or gun. Im in kings norton,I will be back driving soon so non drivers feel free to post. I want some Deer before season is up so any one out by me give me a shout,dont matter if you got no gun or dog,I can sort it ;-) )
  22. Hi, I have quite a few new folding knives mainly stainless 440 and damascus steel. Please post your email address and I will send pictures.Please bare with me as I dont have internet access all the time. Prices from £10-15 on the stainless 440s and £20-30 on the damascus Blades. I do have some real good patterned Damascus Blades I will let go at £100 each. Leave your email address and I will send you pictures. Another thing, by agreeing to buy a knife off me you are confirmingham to me that you are over 18. May be wrong choice in wording but basicly If your under 18 and try blag a kn
  23. LOLLLLLL I swear I seen like 100 posts I wanted to say this about. I'l give £130 if it has one of them 12v 22ah lithium ion/adjustable dimmer switch/back pack all the filters and delivered in person.
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