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Everything posted by Shooterman

  1. Hi all, just had an e-mail from BASC saying that they have an appeal approaching shortly regarding Decoying.co.uk. Presumably Decoying want to get back in with BASC. I urge you all to contact David Ilsley (BASC) regarding Decoying and your experiences so that they negate the appeal. The more organisations that refuse to endorse this company the better off other shooters will be. The power of the internet will help and eventually this company will either get the message or go under
  2. Hi All, yep recieved my BASC newsletter aswell today and noticed the article also, oh boy did this make my day. My e-mail to the director of media and communication concerning Decoying.co.uk and what there about or lack of seems to of helped getting them removed from BASC. Well atleast until they adhere to us paying customers. Perhaps one of the two robbin ars*oles who own said establishment will pay attention to the power of technology and moreso to their customers... Time will tell but hopefully before they do they'l of gone under
  3. Hi All, am looking for some advice as i'm thinking about selling my Theoben Rapid 12/200 FAC, 500cc bottle, Vortex moderator, 2 x .20 cal 12 round mags, Scope Hawke Nite-eye 3-10x44 IR plus around 1000 pellets. Any suggestions on what i should be thinking about price or where to get valued!!! Sensible suggestions much appreciated...
  4. It's easy if you live close by but when you live 100's of miles away then the only option to you other than hours behind a wheel is e-mail or telephone calls. But as you can see from my original RANT that had been caught out blatantly lying over the telephone. I agree that if you have a good experience from this establishment then your lucky and run with it. But if like the majority of individuals on here who have been ripped off then i would suggest to all fellow shooters stay clear and review any establishment before spending your hard earned cash!!! Personaly i can sleep sound at night ho
  5. Hi Mate, this shop is now my nemesis. I have e-mailed Trading standards and here is there reply also after reading there e-mail i contacted my visa supplier who are preparing a file as we speak for fraud against this company as they have "signed into a contractual agreement". Detail below! When you ordered goods from Decoying.co.uk you and they entered into a legally binding contract formed under the Sale of Goods Act 1979. As they accepted your order and payment they are obliged to supply the goods in a reasonable period of time and if this does not happen refund you. As you bought
  6. I have sent David Ilsley a couple of e-mails now, and pointed out that these cheating A***h***S are still advertising the BASC trade member logo on there website, David's reply was that he would raise this matter further. I also pointed out that BASC shouldn't be endorsing this type of customer service when they are supposedly helping the shooting and conservation community. Let's see what happens!!!
  7. whatever you decide to purchase, one shop to definately stay clear from is Decoying.co.uk. Check out the comments in the forum for Decoying.co.uk. Cowboys and crooks is all they are.. You'll never see your goods or only get some of the order and spendas much money in phonecalls chasing goods ordered. You have been warned!!!!!
  8. Hi all, sent David from BASC an e-mail and he stated they are no longer a registered trader with BASC, so i guess some good news there. Got a parcel the other day but still some of the order is missing. And the excuse, yep you guessed it awaiting delivery but will be here Friday so you will have it Monday. And gues what yep not turned up. The only way to deal with these a***h***S (other than knee capping) is to provide other shooters the correct info so they don't use DECOYING.co.uk and hit them in the pocket so they go under. By the time i get all the goods i'll have paid for it in double wit
  9. cheers Billybob, e-mail to BASC will be happening...
  10. Thanks all for the replies. I'll keep badgering them for refund etc. The only way to to stop these cheats and cowboys is for passing the word to fellow shooters too stay CLEAR of this shop. Hopefully i'll get a letter printed within the shooting mags also.. So a stark warning to ALL, stay wel away from DECOYING.co.uk... Happy shooting!!
  11. Hi All, new to this forum game so bear with me :-) I have been dealing with the above establishement forthe past 5 weeks,i ordered a rotary machine and have yet to recieve it.... Has anyone had dealings with this shop?
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