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Everything posted by weg

  1. weg

    newry hill

    thanks for the info i heard that they were good just seeing if anyone else rated them cheers
  2. weg

    newry hill

    just wondering if any one has heard of a greyhound called newry hill or a greyhound called tivoli touch and if they were any good cheers
  3. how you calling a cock you window licked what i said is the one's ive sean round hear have bin what bullcross round here have you seen that is bad with other dogs then mate ? i aint seen any thats been bad
  4. i bread this bitch mate and she is about 4 years old and belive me mate i have seen this bitch work and all i can say is that she is a 110%freezer filler and she sticks like glue and i know 1or 2 others on this site that have seen her work too i second that arnie top bitch wag has got
  5. nice pups mate hope everything goes well with them
  6. she had 4 litters with me,and had her fair share of shit in all of them, which would happen in any litter ,but but she must of had her fair share of good ones as well SO WHAT WAS BETTER LINE BREEDING OR OUT CROSSIN and what other dogs has lined millie cheers
  7. the reason i asked your opinion on what were the better pups as i understand it millie had six or seven litters of pups in her lifetime and i wanted to know what you thought was better line breeding to punch or outcrossing to joe , the reason im asking these questions is because you seem to know your stuff on bull crosses
  8. if it is a dry cell battery a normal car charger will wreck ialso never let a dry cell battery run flat to often otherwise it wont hold a charge properly
  9. in your opinion was the joe pups better than havoc pups out of millie and what is left from this breeding
  10. is there any true punch lines left i think not and if there was they would be watered down somewhat now me old mucka punch lined some decent bitches but also a lot of crap be careful mate heres a fact.punch only lined one 1/2 cross bitch,marley,7 pups one dog that died at 6 weeks old and 6 bitches,he also lined a 3/4 bred dog thats it.i have 3 dogs down from punch,and there as close as you can get to the dog,not because i wanted a dog like punch,he was good but theres better,i did it to try get a dog like his daughter.and his granson.i would stick up photos of the dogs i have but you kn
  11. well done fly ,and well done rew for a good thread
  12. shame about your bitch mate,but these things happen all the best to her for a quick recovery and well done for the long ears
  13. nice pups mate a credit to you
  14. nipper ,how was he bred DOGGY STYLE :11: :11:
  15. nice one markbrick1 nice bag ,now i know what happened to all the rabbits from around here, they went on holiday to cornwall and never came back :11: keep it up
  16. i was out lamping one night on the golf course near me and my bitch was on a rabbit that decided his best escape route was into the pond , it swam out about ten foot away from the bank and decided to try and get out from the same way it went in ,it was half way up the bank when it was snatched back in crocodile style by my bitch
  17. good pics mate ,cant beat the good old days
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