and also theres alot of bad b.o.p breeders that would sell to anyone . im not having a go at anybody PAL what i was asking was why when it comes to someone selling dogs (which i dont agree with anyway) people give them a hard time which is understandable ,but when it comes to someone selling birds of prey no one says anything bad about it . all i asked for was peoples opinions on it
been giving it some thought lately about people who peddal puppies ,i dont agree with it one bit and it seems that there is also a lot of people on thl that dont agree with it as well,now i have a question this is just for peoples opinions it is not aimed at anyone in particular ,but why is it that selling working dogs for money is wrong and everyone jumps on the band wagon and slags off the person that is selling the puppies but someone breeding birds of prey for finacial gain no one slags them off and it seems that this is ok for them to do this ? like i say just want peoples thoughts and
and so will some saluki xs jack , saluki xs are best suited to the job tho imo
whats that supposed to mean then
it means exactly what it says yes i think saluki xs are the best for long ears , but your statemeant that all other breeds will jack if a run goes on and on and salukis wont is bulls###,it depends on the heart and fitness of the dog not the breed just my opinion
true the amount of times he has been knocked over by the ugly stick is unbelievable,he is that ugly it looks like his mum fed him with a catapult lol :clapper:
i keep telling him to come down and you come with him but i think he is frightend to spend the night away from mel, :11: she might find some one better looking
your welcome anytime tho mate you know that .......
cheers mate i promise il be up soon ,it wouldnt be hard to find someone better looking than him bless him lol
sugar ray leonard best ever had everything speed , , good skills ,iron chin ,punching power , modern day great joe calzaghe , mike tyson a great heavy weight in a bad era
not all bullcross owners have got this breed just for image. i cant stand people saying stuff they know feck all about . these people go out running summer time hares and they think just cos there dog killed six leverets that they must own a world beating coursing machine