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f mac

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Everything posted by f mac

  1. u grow it from seed goggle it theres a guy with a uk site all the seeds and info u need
  2. i know a guy who grows his own baccy its easy to do the hard bit is succesfully curing it without getting it mouldy google it for info :thumbs:
  3. i cant understand any of the replies put forward by both camps history clearly show britain has nothing to offer .thats why we invaded india ,south africa ,west indies,east indies,chinas opium shame ,afganistan twice,the slave trade ,wars with france,spain,ect the only thing that happened was the rich got richer and lords and manors were born leaving the working man in same place he started with sfa .so we just carry on moaning about the price of shit and trying too make a buck regardless of nationality .rant over please dont vote it just encourages people to become mps
  4. when i got my 1st ferret the guy told me to spit in its face if it bit ,i did and ended up with the feeker hanging off my face and hanging ferrets dont like to let go just handle it often .any nasty ferrets av seen are usually kept in a cage ,never handled ,never get out ,usually because there owners are afraid of them or just dont care
  5. prob a bit late but if u can pick up an old hand mincer ideal for chick wings whole pigeons ,scraps ect rabbit legs ...perfect for mushing up for kits
  6. have a look round building sites ,skips ect .or find some 1 who works in the building trade .i always see it lying around
  7. Wow,amazing! Is this one of these "wild polecats" i hear so much of?? :boogy: shes a blue eyed white x a silver muff
  8. just read an ad on gumtree guy selling 2 prg jills for 60 quid ? he then goes on to say he made 640 notes from last years litters and yes there silvers if there making that sort of cash why is he selling them
  9. sorry for the hijack but a couldent resist it
  10. they almost emptied paddys pits down at loch lomond of pike ok it only pike but its free fishing for the local lads who camped up in the school hols
  11. make one ideal summer project although i cant get the belt off a seat belt i picked up hacksaw and 10lb hammer me thinks
  12. polecats were reintroduced in argyll in the 90s although i have never seen 1 .av weight 3/4 to just under a kilo
  13. 1 thing i learned over the years after spending funny money on various livestock is 9 times out of ten the best is usually the ones given free
  14. nieghbours wheely bin
  15. yep i bred my silver jill to a light sandy hob am expecting a mix of dark and light sandy but its just diff shades of poly if i get a silver al be surprised u can see in the avi hes light at the top turning darker with a brown tail
  16. al give him 50 if they stay blue i kn ow a guy up here who will pay 70 then he can put it over his blacks and next year we have black and blue poly mitts
  17. take it your looking for a baitrunner if u got the cash get a shimano or a couple 2nd hand diawa regals off ebay
  18. i built a garage out of steel box profile (cheers asda ) its an oven in summer and a fridge in winter pity u aint got the room for a run outside maybe u can leave the door open and make a mesh frame to fit when the ferrets are inside
  19. sorry to hear that , but 1 thing sticks out all my hobs have died in there sleep it only seems to be jills that show illness maybe others can shed some light on that
  20. thats ok u seen gumtree today there at it again ££££££££ :laugh:
  21. how much did they charge u for the jill or is it still a donation joby
  22. maybe get him snipped and get 3 jills for working
  23. no worries the sandy was a nice beastie :thumbs: gives us sumit different
  24. buy a razor blade :laugh: nice albinos maybe i should have had it on loan look forward to seeing the bunny pics
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