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f mac

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Everything posted by f mac

  1. f mac


    you don't need to be a poof to know Davy dodds is ugly lol beat me to it...did u know he started at celtic boys club
  2. live lip hooked sandeel under a float
  3. take celtics offer nice hobs
  4. hes already posted ,, said the kits turned out even smaller than the parents never said if he sold them or what
  5. the english league like any other depends on investment and high wages to attract the best players one things sure if it goes tits up you got a long way to fall unlike the canny skint jock league . got a mate in birmingham goes to city every week until they bumped the price from 25 to 50 for games against utd,chelsea ,arsenal and liverpool .... whats a ticket for utd 70 bucks also champions league final cheapest seat 130 quid lol u can get a season ticket for the nue camp for that its a rip off
  6. calm down u lot let walter have the last word :thumbs: ps love the avi lab
  7. So that makes it ok then??? Simple answer is that most people are retarded and shouldn't be allowed within 10 foot of most animals. And bringing money into the equation is not going to change that. Plenty of folk are willing to spend money on stuff they later treat badly, look at a huge number of the dogs in kennels. Most were NOT aquired for free. There are small ferrets all over the country, mostly for free or a fiver, this lad was claiming to be breeding top workers, which is arse if he is indiscriminantly breeding from ALL his jills, and banging on about how much money he is goi
  8. simple not , if your breeding to add to your own stock your going to have some spare most of these will be going to homes already sourced more often free responsable breeding then u got the breed and sell brigade not just on this forum but all over the web any colour u want from 10 quid to 60 yes av seen a recent ad 60 a kit ??? if i paid that sort of money for a kit it prob would never get worked in case i lost it .rescues are full of unworked pets and kits its very rare to get a working ferret in a rescue if at all . am just pointing out you can get kits from working stock free just by a
  9. gettin confused again lol dave we agreed you have small ferrets , several posters have told you what greyhound ferrets are put up another thread [small ferrets for sale]
  10. only falconer who declares to have true greyhound type ferrets is shaun,posts reguarly on another forum for falconers who amazingly bicker about prices, type & breed of ferrets he charges £25 as well & has oreders 50 plus hmmmmm not same person is it dave ? thats were mine came from and he is on the ff if you no him arsk him he will tell you that thay come from him I had mine from him too and the first hob I got was a little belter, my mate off here has him now. Some of the young from that hob were good but some were hit and miss, they seemed to get smaller and smaller too
  11. chimp make sure you sleep with your sheep keep an eye on um you missed the boat , they have all gone now lol im into breeding ferrets now , its the way forward bet you dont get 25 for um hope your not just doing itfor the money dave i would be shocked if you were :laugh:
  12. be careful calling the council we had them round a few years ago turned out she was also the stray catcher nosey fkr she was wanted into ferrets ,dogs ,bins the lot was worse than the rspca thing is u cant complain as the council got rules on hut sizes ,dogs outside ect she even spotted the fish hooks hanging from the hedge :icon_redface:
  13. just seen the previous post so it is the tumbler ferrets i think to save confusion we should have a poll to give them a name because there not greyhound ferrets there micro ferrets ,regardless of how much they cost or well they work they deserve a name am sure the guys who buy them will test them out and post up if there any good .... Aye, i'm casting my vote for 'tumbler ferrets', or better yet 'mug ferrets' FFS they're feckin ferrets its all these fancy names angora and the like that will feck the ferret world up. agreed lets ask dave to amend his thread to small ferrets
  14. great post and answers all points ,40 kits at 25 quid and we all know even off working stock there will be only half a dozen that will make the grade another 6 will be half decent and the rest will pass though several homes or rescues before ending up as pets or in the ground ... if the 1 on the left is a greyhound what is the term for the 1 on the right
  15. just seen the previous post so it is the tumbler ferrets i think to save confusion we should have a poll to give them a name because there not greyhound ferrets there micro ferrets ,regardless of how much they cost or well they work they deserve a name am sure the guys who buy them will test them out and post up if there any good ....
  16. am not bothered by the price ,its the term used greyhound ferret ? if hes sellin them tiny ferrets that sit happily in a pint tumbler then there micro ferrets end off .he can always call them dashound ferrets or russell ferrets lol clear this up once and for all by posting some pics
  17. f mac


    it was a shit game played in shit weather i almost went into a coma :lazy: , best team won though :sick: :D
  18. There is NO logic in that mate. Any ferret bred should be well reared, tame, easy to handle and off good, proven working stock. In my opinion money and working animals do not mix well. I have a litter just that this that was born a couple of days a go. What is surplus to my requirements will go to new homes for free. yes and you know they will get tested ,the day i cant get a free kit or2 for the price of a drink or a few nets is the day i chuck it .working stock to working homes is the only way and u get to meet some cracking people on the way . just another thought on t
  19. gone subject to postage if it falls through i will get back to u cheers

  20. been a while but theres a chance every season weve set records nobody cant beat and probably wont evr be beaten , even you just saying that makes you look tottally stupid , for a start i would love to see celtic nd rangers in our league it would be funny as fek , your league is crap the standard is crap and there isnt a team in your league that could compete with arsenal tghe more you defend your league the more stupid you look , and priceless ? seeing a bunch of scots who know jak about football defending an absolutely terrible league and sayin arsenal cant win prem is what you call priceles
  21. just call them what they are MICRO FERRETS simple ,as for ability i dont care ,i dont want 1 ,as for selling 40 fair play ,as long as your happy with them thats all that matters
  22. agreed everytime i see one of these threads now i get a picture of an albino irish dwarf trying to mount a long lean roached backed blond with a sharp pointed face
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